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Social protection in developing countries – The Lesotho Old Age Pension (MSc Thesis)


By using the example of the noncontributory pension scheme in Lesotho, the author explores the process of implementing social protection in developing countries, looking at how constraints can be overcome and what consequences can be found. This paper also looks at the justification for directing such...


Cash-for-shelter pilot findings in CRS’s Typhoon Haiyan Response


In order to explore possible strategies for shelter assistance that would also benefit local markets, a cash transfer pilot study was conducted in which beneficiaries received cash to purchase shelter materials and to hire labourers. CRS promoted disaster-resilient construction techniques and employed a...


Cash Transfer Preparedness Pilot – A Cash Transfer Programme Fact Sheet

Policy paper

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), started a project to pilot an intensive capacity building approach for cash transfer programming in four National Societies through a preparedness lens. The IFRC worked with the four pilot countries between May 2012 and...


Refugee Economies: Rethinking popular assumptions


‘Refugee economies’ remain under-researched and poorly understood and there is a lack of good data available on the economic lives of displaced populations. Existing economic work on refugees tends to focus narrowly on refugee livelihoods or on the impact on host states. Yet, understanding these...


Using Ona and Open Data Kit to Build Mobile-based EMMA Market Assessment Questionnaires


Purpose of this document
• To build a mobile data collection system to improve the speed and quality of market assessment data collection and analysis.
• To provide field assessment teams with ready-to-use guidance on developing and/or adapting market questionnaires without the need for in-person...


UNHCR Cash Transfer Programmes Working Group Inter-Agency Market Monitoring System


The UNHCR engaged the Consultants for technical assistance in developing an inter-agency market monitoring system (MMS) to facilitate a national assessment of cash transfer programmes (CTP) within Lebanon. The request for assistance followed consensus among the International...


Demystifying Payments – mStar


In its simplest form, a payment is any exchange of value between two parties, where usually Party A offers a form of currency in exchange for a good or service provided by Party B. The advent of nation-states issuing fiat currency, such as paper bills and bronze coins, which unlike gold or silver...


A Guide to Calculating the Cost of Delivering Cash Transfers in Humanitarian Emergencies – With reference to case studies in Kenya and Somalia


The emergence of cash transfers as a viable alternative to in-kind aid – such as food or shelter materials – for households affected by humanitarian disasters has been documented for some years now. Under certain conditions, when local markets are able to accommodate increased demand and prices will...


Testing Branchless Banking to Deliver Cash Transfers in Nepal

Policy paper

The Human Development Social Protection Pilot (HDSPP) is a sub-project of the joint UNDP-UNCDF Local Governance and Community Development Program (LGCDP). It has been initiated in two far-western districts in Nepal, Kanchanpur and Dhadheldura and it is being implemented by the Ministry of Federal Affairs...


Financing of Cash Transfer Programming

Policy paper

This thematic report has been undertaken as part of a 2013 research study entitled, Is Cash Transfer Programming ‘Fit for the Future’? The research was commissioned by the the CALP Network and undertaken by the Humanitarian Futures Programme (HFP), King’s College London. The overall...


Cash in Construction


This Powerpoint was used by SDC during a workshop on CTP and shelter/construction that took place in mid 2014. Click here to download a short introduction Powerpoint on Cash and Shelter from the same event.


The Public Pursuit of Secure Welfare: Background Paper on International Development Institutions, Social Protection & Developing Countries


This paper provides an overview of the development of the conceptual framework underlying social protection programming and policy among the key international development institutions active in this sector. It sets out the historical, institutional and political factors underlying the current debate,...


Northern Syria Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket: Guidance Document


The Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket (SMEB) outlines the minimum culturally-adjusted items for survival for a household in Syria for one month. The basket comprises the basic energy requirements of 2,100 kilocalories per person per day, fuel for cooking, and non-food items. The attached guide has been...


Community Baseline: A Survey On Resilience In South Central Somalia


A comprehensive understanding of the socio-economic and environmental context of intervention is essential to the success of any resilience-building program. Based on this premise, the BRCiS has taken a series of steps to strengthen its knowledge and understanding of key variables and dynamics in its...


Payment Mechanisms and Anti-Poverty Programs: Evidence from a Mobile Money Cash Transfer Experiment in Niger


Cash transfers have become an increasingly important component of social protection policies in both developed and developing countries. While such programs are often implemented electronically in developed countries, in many developing countries with weak financial infrastructure, such transfers are...


Humanitarian Innovation: The State of the Art

Policy paper

The humanitarian system faces grave challenges, as record numbers of people are displaced for longer periods by natural disasters and escalating conflicts. At the same time new technologies, partners, and concepts allow humanitarian actors to understand and address problems quickly and effectively....


The Price Effects of Cash Versus In-Kind Transfers


This paper examines the effect of cash versus in-kind transfers on local prices. Both types of transfers increase the demand for normal goods; in-kind transfers also increase supply in recipient communities, which should cause prices to fall relative to cash transfers. We test and confirm this prediction...


Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards: Second Edition

Guidelines and Tools

Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) is a set of international guidelines and standards for designing, implementing, and evaluating livestock interventions to help people affected by humanitarian crises. LEGS is based on three livelihoods objectives: to provide rapid assistance, to protect...


Is Cash Transfer a Better Devil than Food Aid? A study of Malawi’s use of cash transfer as a response tool to food insecurity in 2012/2013 and 2013/2014


The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami is considered as the first humanitarian situation where cash transfers were used as an alternative to food aid. Since then, cash transfers have been used as a standalone response tool to disasters, or used in combination with food aid. Malawi piloted the use of cash...