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Mobilising cash and voucher assistance programmes: The case for mobile money

Guidelines and Tools

This report offers recommendations for both humanitarian organisations and mobile money service providers regarding the partnerships required to enable effective and efficient use of mobile money in humanitarian contexts.


Grand Bargain Workshop: Linking Humanitarian Cash and Social Protection


Over the past decade, the use of cash transfers in humanitarian crises has increased. Moreover, humanitarian interventions now increasingly move beyond immediate crisis response and link to recovery and development initiatives – such as social protection – as part of the humanitarian-development...


Safer Cash Toolkit (English)

Guidelines and Tools

The Safer Cash Toolkit, funded by USAID, is designed to capture the minimum amount of protection-related information in emergency settings to ensure that organizations can make informed decisions on how to design, implement and adjust CVA programs at the field level to prevent and minimize harm. The Safer...


Compte-rendu du Cash Working Group de Maroua du 25 janvier 2019


January 2019

Mitigating Risks of Abuse of Power in Cash Assistance in Iraq


This document outlines lessons learned from a joint UNHCR/WFP project in Iraq aimed at identifying and mitigating the risks of abuse of power in cash assistance. The cash transfer mechanisms reviewed during the
project include mobile money, e-vouchers and cash delivered through money transfer agents.

January 2019

Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) Programme Technical Analysis Report


The Emergency Social Safety Net Programme (ESSN) was launched as
a result of partnership between the European Union and Turkey on
20 October 2016 as a pilot study. The programme which provides
cash assistance through Kızılaykart to 1.5 million foreigners that meet
the criterion was extended nationwide...


Celebrating Three Years of Membership and 10 New Members

Blog Post

It has been three years since the CALP Network first expanded its membership beyond its 'founding five' members. We welcome in the new year with the addition of 10 new members, bringing our total number to more than 80. 

1 January 2019

Reflections and recommendations from evaluations of the 2017 CVA Somalia Drought Response


Improving our response to drought to avert crises through the use of cash and voucher assistance requires us to build on experience. This paper pulls together reflections and recommendations from a review of eight evaluation reports, reviews and studies that were conducted during or after the 2017 drought...


Are there gendered impacts to multi-purpose cash transfers intended to build resilience?


Brief from full report “The Gendered Dimension of Multi-Purpose Cash Supporting Disaster Resilience” extracting the specific gendered findings from a study on the impact of an EU funded project that used a “Cash Plus” approach, combining ten monthly multi-purpose cash (MPC) transfers with the...


Bridging the Mobile Gender Gap for Refugees


Mobile phones have become an increasingly powerful tool with which to deliver life-enhancing information, services, and opportunities to millions who have not been able to access them before. This case study analyses data from two refugee contexts in East Africa to understand the degree to which women are...


The Gendered Dimension of Multi-Purpose Cash Supporting Disaster Resilience


In 2017, in response to the mounting humanitarian crisis in Yemen, CARE Yemen and Action Contra la Faim (ACF) implemented a cash transfer program and community asset rehabilitation and skill building programing in the governorates of Abyan and Amran. This European Union (EU)-funded program integrated...


Syria Quarterly Humanitarian Response (Q1 January to March 2019)


Summary of the humanitarian aid delivered to beneficiaries in Syria during Q1 2019


Improving the Coordination of Humanitarian Cash Transfers – a Fool’s Errand?


Master’s thesis – NOHA Master’s in International Humanitarian Action. This thesis evaluates the extent to which attempts to improve the coordination of multi-purpose cash transfers (MPCTs) in humanitarian contexts can succeed. The first part of the paper focusses on outlining the existing...


Displaced & Disconnected – Connectivity for Refugees


UNHCR recognizes that one of the ‘hard stops’ in facilitating mobile connectivity and access to finance for displaced populations is non-conducive regulatory environments. In particular, ID-related legal requirements have proven a significant barrier to access. For example, a refugee who cannot...


The CALP Network-Asia Pacific Regional Cash Working Group learning event report


On 20-22 May, 27 cash working group (CWG) coordinators and regional technical focal points convened from Afghanistan, Fiji, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, the Pacific region, the Philippines and Vietnam to share experiences and strengthen coordination between country, regional and global...


Vanuatu Cash Transfer Feasibility Assessment


Oxfam conducted this Vanuatu Cash Transfer Feasibility Assessment in partnership with Youth Challenge Vanuatu, Department of Agriculture & Rural Development, and the Vanuatu National Statistics Office with funding from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) through the Australian...


Words Matter: A brief overview of the cash terminology debate

Blog Post

In this guest blog, Oxfam GB's cash adviser Steph Roberson looks back on #CashWeek2018 and how the key debates over terminology have fed into the revision of the CALP Network Glossary.

18 December 2018

Join our Building Individual Expertise Programme in West Africa

Blog Post

The BIEP offers individuals the opportunity to benefit from a range of capacity building activities, including training, job placement and mentoring. Apply now to be part of the 2019-20 cohort in West Africa.

17 December 2018

Global Cash Policy Network Call: the UN Common Cash System


On 5 December, Principals of UNICEF, UNHCR, WFP and OCHA announced the launch of a joint system for the design, delivery and monitoring of cash assistance. This is a welcome step towards improved collaboration between United Nations agencies, with the potential to increase the effectiveness, efficiency...

14 December 2018