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المراقبة والتقييم

تمثل الطبيعة المرنة والمتعددة القطاعات للنقد تحديات فريدة عندما يتعلق الأمر بمراقبة وتقييم فعالية الاستجابات الإنسانية. سيساعد الاتفاق على المؤشرات المشتركة واستخدامها على ضمان أننا نعمل معًا لتحسين جودة المساعدة النقدية والقسائم.

لا تتعلق معظم تحديات الرصد والتقييم، مثل الافتقار إلى الاستثمار والقدرات الكافية، تحديدًا بالمساعدات النقدية والقسائم. لكن تلك التي تتعلق في المقام الأول برصد نتائج عمليات النقل غير المقيدة. ويمكن أن تجعل مرونة التحويلات النقدية من الصعب تحديد مؤشرات النتائج المناسبة، لأنها قد تتضمن مجموعة من المؤشرات القطاعية والشاملة. وفي الوقت نفسه، هناك قيود على جمع بيانات دقيقة حول كيفية إنفاق التحويلات النقدية.

التزم الموقعون على الصفقة الكبرى بضمان وجود آليات الرصد والتقييم ذات الصلة فيما يتعلق بالنقد، وزيادة فهم التكاليف والفوائد والآثار والمخاطر المتعلقة بالنقد بالنسبة للطرائق الأخرى. بناءً على ذلك، يحتوي مسار الصفقة الكبرى على نقاط عمل بما في ذلك تطوير مؤشرات نتائج مشتركة للمساعدات النقدية متعددة الأغراض، ومقاييس لتحليل القيمة مقابل المال. تم تقييد التحليل المنهجي للقيمة مقابل المال بسبب عوامل تشمل عدم وجود نهج متفق عليها، والحاجة إلى بيانات نتائج عالية الجودة، وطبيعة التحليل.

الأولويات الحالية

في إطار الالتزامات النقدية للصفقة الكبرى، شاركت شبكة CALP (مع الوكالة الأمريكية للتنمية الدولية وخدمات الإغاثة الكاثوليكية) في تطوير مؤشرات النتائج للمساعدات النقدية متعددة الأغراض. وتُتاح مسودة الاختبار حاليًا باللغات الإنجليزية والفرنسية والإسبانية عبر مكتبة شبكة CALP.


Targeting in social protection systems: comparative study on two “HEA” methods and a “PMT” targeting method for cash transfer programmes in Gao circle, Mali, 2016-17


Social safety nets are becoming a key instrument of povery reduction policies in Sub-Saharan Africa; they are a basic element of social protection systems that include adaptive social protection. Social protection systems aim to target both chronically poor households and those who are slightly better off...

February 2018

تقریر حالة النقد في العالم – الملخص التنفیذي


يهدف هذا المنشور الرئيسي من شراكة التعلم النقدي إلى توفير تحليل محايد ودقيق للوضع الحالي للمساعدات النقدية والقسائم على مستوى العالم، بما في ذلك مدى مساهمتها في جودة...

February 2018

The State of the World’s Cash Report – Annex: Case studies


1 Nepal – scaling up cash transfer programming (CTP) after a rapid onset disaster
2 Turkey – Working with host governments to deliver cash-based assistance during the refugee crisis 3 Zimbabwe – Lessons from the ‘Emergency Cash First Response’ to drought-affected communities 4 Democratic...

February 2018

State of the World’s Cash: Slides


About this report: Commissioned by the the CALP Network. Delivered by a team of CALP staff, Accenture Development Partnerships & experts. Purpose: an objective review of the state of Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) in humanitarian aid today, in order to: (a) assess progress compared to commitments and...

February 2018

State of the World’s Cash Report Launch Events


25 يناير-11 يوليو 2018 9:00-17:00 / English

Announcing: State of the World’s Cash launch event

Blog Post

Join us at ODI on 1 February 2018 for the launch of the 2018 State of the World's Cash Report. The State of the World's Cash report critically analyses the current state of CTP in humanitarian aid, and the extent to which commitments have been achieved, in order to provide shared insights that can...

15 يناير 2018

The 1.5 Billion People Question : Food, Vouchers, or Cash Transfers?


Most of the people in low and middle-income countries covered by social protection receive assistance in the form of in-kind food. The origin of such support is rooted in countries’ historical pursuit of three interconnected objectives, namely attaining self-sufficiency in food, managing domestic food...


Gure- Shembola Refugee camp E-vouchor pilot program- Learning Document


Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) in partner with Lutheran World Federation (LWF) have been completed their project using CBI approach. The project was aimed to provide Gure Shembola refugees with access to their choice of hygiene items through an e-voucher system. This learning document aims to document the...


Increasing resilience to natural disasters with cash-based interventions


This report presents recommendations for the ongoing development and improvement of CTP in emergency preparedness and response in Vietnam. It is hoped that these best practices, lessons learned and recommendations will contribute to the wider global discussions on the use and impact of CTP to increase...


Human(itarian) Capital? Lessons on Better Connecting Humanitarian Assistance and Social Protection


Governments in low- and middle-income countries are increasingly investing in social protection, and also address many of their own people’s “humanitarian” needs themselves. For their international partners, who may have an important role in filling gaps when household needs exceed national capacity...


Mainstreaming Gender-Based Violence Considerations in Cash-Based Interventions: A Case Study from Lower Juba, Somalia


This case study provides an overview of assessment and monitoring activities
conducted by the Women’s Refugee Commission and Adeso to mainstream GBV considerations within Adeso’s CBI in Lower Juba.


British Virgin Islands Joint Cash Platform: Case study for learning on collaborative cash programmes


The British Virgin Island (BVI) Joint Delivery Platform (JCP) is an effective model for learning around collaboration, developed at the onset of the humanitarian response, to deliver a small-scale emergency and early recovery cash based response, in a context without previous cash response experience. The...


The Role of Cash Transfers in Social Protection, Humanitarian Response and Shock-Responsive Social Protection

Guidelines and Tools

Cash transfers have expanded rapidly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) around the world in the past decade. The contexts in which they are implemented have also diversified; while cash transfers were mostly adopted initially as central elements of social protection systems, they have become...


Mainstreaming Gender-Based Violence Considerations in Cash-Based Interventions: A Case Study from Zinder, Niger


This case study provides an overview of assessment and monitoring activities undertaken by the Women’s Refugee Commission and Save the Children to mainstream gender-based violence (GBV) considerations in Save the Children’s cash-based intervention (CBIs) in Zinder. Key findings, learning and...


Toolkit for Optimizing Cash-based Interventions for Protection from Gender-based Violence

Guidelines and Tools

Efforts to prevent and respond to GBV should be a priority for all actors in all humanitarian response operations from the very start. By mainstreaming GBV considerations in CBIs throughout the program cycle and by utilizing cash within GBV case management services, cash can be optimized as a tool to...


Multi-Purpose Cash and Sectoral Outcomes: a Review of Evidence and Learning


Growing attention to multi-purpose cash offers an exciting opportunity to redress a long-standing shortcoming of humanitarian response. There is a need to better understand and respond to crisis-affected people in a more holistic and coherent way, going beyond sectors to bring the emphasis back to how...