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المراقبة والتقييم

تمثل الطبيعة المرنة والمتعددة القطاعات للنقد تحديات فريدة عندما يتعلق الأمر بمراقبة وتقييم فعالية الاستجابات الإنسانية. سيساعد الاتفاق على المؤشرات المشتركة واستخدامها على ضمان أننا نعمل معًا لتحسين جودة المساعدة النقدية والقسائم.

لا تتعلق معظم تحديات الرصد والتقييم، مثل الافتقار إلى الاستثمار والقدرات الكافية، تحديدًا بالمساعدات النقدية والقسائم. لكن تلك التي تتعلق في المقام الأول برصد نتائج عمليات النقل غير المقيدة. ويمكن أن تجعل مرونة التحويلات النقدية من الصعب تحديد مؤشرات النتائج المناسبة، لأنها قد تتضمن مجموعة من المؤشرات القطاعية والشاملة. وفي الوقت نفسه، هناك قيود على جمع بيانات دقيقة حول كيفية إنفاق التحويلات النقدية.

التزم الموقعون على الصفقة الكبرى بضمان وجود آليات الرصد والتقييم ذات الصلة فيما يتعلق بالنقد، وزيادة فهم التكاليف والفوائد والآثار والمخاطر المتعلقة بالنقد بالنسبة للطرائق الأخرى. بناءً على ذلك، يحتوي مسار الصفقة الكبرى على نقاط عمل بما في ذلك تطوير مؤشرات نتائج مشتركة للمساعدات النقدية متعددة الأغراض، ومقاييس لتحليل القيمة مقابل المال. تم تقييد التحليل المنهجي للقيمة مقابل المال بسبب عوامل تشمل عدم وجود نهج متفق عليها، والحاجة إلى بيانات نتائج عالية الجودة، وطبيعة التحليل.

الأولويات الحالية

في إطار الالتزامات النقدية للصفقة الكبرى، شاركت شبكة CALP (مع الوكالة الأمريكية للتنمية الدولية وخدمات الإغاثة الكاثوليكية) في تطوير مؤشرات النتائج للمساعدات النقدية متعددة الأغراض. وتُتاح مسودة الاختبار حاليًا باللغات الإنجليزية والفرنسية والإسبانية عبر مكتبة شبكة CALP.


Displaced & Disconnected – Connectivity for Refugees


UNHCR recognizes that one of the ‘hard stops’ in facilitating mobile connectivity and access to finance for displaced populations is non-conducive regulatory environments. In particular, ID-related legal requirements have proven a significant barrier to access. For example, a refugee who cannot...


6 Key Points to Address: Using Learning to Strengthen Cash and Voucher Assistance in the 2019 Drought Response in Somalia


A summary of learning from Evaluation reports from the 2017 Somalia drought response.


Introductory Research on the Feasibility of Cash and Voucher Assistance in Rural Fiji


This report presents the findings of a study into the general feasibility of using Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in responding to disasters in Fiji. The term “Cash and Voucher Assistance” or CVA, is used in the report in line with the the CALP Network definition, so it refers to programs where...


Healing and Enabling- Stories from Typhoon Mangkhut Response


The response to Typhoon Mangkhut is one of Christian Aid’s purely cash-based response that incorporate a community-led approach in its design and execution. Undertaken with our NGO and community partners, it has been in keeping with Christian Aid’s development principle of working with, and through...


Improving the Coordination of Humanitarian Cash Transfers – a Fool’s Errand?


Master’s thesis – NOHA Master’s in International Humanitarian Action. This thesis evaluates the extent to which attempts to improve the coordination of multi-purpose cash transfers (MPCTs) in humanitarian contexts can succeed. The first part of the paper focusses on outlining the existing...


Feasibility Study on Cash Transfer Programming for the Returnees and the Host Communities in Gedeo and West Guji in Ethiopia


This document reveals the outcome of a feasibility study on cash transfer programming targeted for the returnees and the host communities in Gedeo and West Guji Zones. The major objectives of the study were as follows:
1. Understand general cash transfer environment in Ethiopia
2. Validate the needs of...


Joint Donor Statement on Humanitarian Cash Transfers

Guidelines and Tools

As part of continuing efforts to strengthen donor coordination on cash, a group of senior officials from major donor agencies (EU/DG ECHO, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States of America) met in Brussels on 1 March 2019 to discuss shared approaches. Building on...


Somali Safety Net Design: Designing a Scalable Safety Net Program for Somalia Using Household Economy Analysis (HEA)


The aim of the study was to use existing household economy analysis (HEA) data to help in the design of a scalable cash-transfer-based safety net program for Somalia. The study made use of a recently completed 15-year (30-season) time series analysis covering 13 livelihood zones in Somalia.


ESSN Programme Technical Analysis


The Technical Analysis study has been conducted with the aim of referring the individuals in the ESSN Programme beneficiary pool to the livelihoods in terms of its scope and content. With the purpose of increasing beneficiaries’ economic and social resilience and self-sufficiency by reducing their...


Celebrating Three Years of Membership and 10 New Members

Blog Post

It has been three years since the CALP Network first expanded its membership beyond its 'founding five' members. We welcome in the new year with the addition of 10 new members, bringing our total number to more than 80. 

1 يناير 2019

Aligning humanitarian cash assistance with national social safety nets in refugee settings


UNHCR’s research on Aligning Humanitarian Cash Assistance with National Social Safety Nets in Refugee Settings – Key Considerations and Learning provides guidance on how operations have or could progressively align humanitarian cash assistance for refugees to national social safety nets and the...


Effects of Cash on Social Cohesion in Kalobeyei Settlement, Kenya – A Do No Harm Assessment – Executive Summary


The document outlines key findings on the effects of cash on social cohesion between refugee and host communities, and some considerations when planning cash assistance. The research was carried out by CDA Collaborative Learning Projects, founder of the Do No Harm Framework. UNHCR’s cash for shelter...


Kızılaykart Cash Based Assistance, Information Note


Following the first refugee wave in May 2011, refugees from Syria has continued to seek asylum in Turkey. As a result of the open-door policy between 2011 and 2015, Syrians were welcomed by the Turkish government and obtained legal status under temporary protection. Subsequently, Turkey is hosting more...


Understanding Cash-Based Programming & Protection in the Northern Region of Iraq-KRI


Cash and Protection Study on impact of CVA (food security focus) on protection outcomes, particularly for women and children.
The study used a survey and interviews about perceptions of safety and protection from violence in different settings: the home, the local neighbourhood, and the community more...