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المراقبة والتقييم

تمثل الطبيعة المرنة والمتعددة القطاعات للنقد تحديات فريدة عندما يتعلق الأمر بمراقبة وتقييم فعالية الاستجابات الإنسانية. سيساعد الاتفاق على المؤشرات المشتركة واستخدامها على ضمان أننا نعمل معًا لتحسين جودة المساعدة النقدية والقسائم.

لا تتعلق معظم تحديات الرصد والتقييم، مثل الافتقار إلى الاستثمار والقدرات الكافية، تحديدًا بالمساعدات النقدية والقسائم. لكن تلك التي تتعلق في المقام الأول برصد نتائج عمليات النقل غير المقيدة. ويمكن أن تجعل مرونة التحويلات النقدية من الصعب تحديد مؤشرات النتائج المناسبة، لأنها قد تتضمن مجموعة من المؤشرات القطاعية والشاملة. وفي الوقت نفسه، هناك قيود على جمع بيانات دقيقة حول كيفية إنفاق التحويلات النقدية.

التزم الموقعون على الصفقة الكبرى بضمان وجود آليات الرصد والتقييم ذات الصلة فيما يتعلق بالنقد، وزيادة فهم التكاليف والفوائد والآثار والمخاطر المتعلقة بالنقد بالنسبة للطرائق الأخرى. بناءً على ذلك، يحتوي مسار الصفقة الكبرى على نقاط عمل بما في ذلك تطوير مؤشرات نتائج مشتركة للمساعدات النقدية متعددة الأغراض، ومقاييس لتحليل القيمة مقابل المال. تم تقييد التحليل المنهجي للقيمة مقابل المال بسبب عوامل تشمل عدم وجود نهج متفق عليها، والحاجة إلى بيانات نتائج عالية الجودة، وطبيعة التحليل.

الأولويات الحالية

في إطار الالتزامات النقدية للصفقة الكبرى، شاركت شبكة CALP (مع الوكالة الأمريكية للتنمية الدولية وخدمات الإغاثة الكاثوليكية) في تطوير مؤشرات النتائج للمساعدات النقدية متعددة الأغراض. وتُتاح مسودة الاختبار حاليًا باللغات الإنجليزية والفرنسية والإسبانية عبر مكتبة شبكة CALP.


Guide to Writing a Case Study

Guidelines and Tools

The Guide to Writing Case Studies, which is presented as a template to support capturing and reporting on key facts and issues in narrative form (and also diagrams and statistics where relevant) for country studies, the guide provide links to relevant resources and supports in filling fundamental...

May 2021

Review of the Grand Bargain Multipurpose Cash (MPC) Outcome Indicators


Summary Report of Feedback from the Testing Phase

May 2021

Transfer Values: How Much Is Enough? Balancing social protection and humanitarian considerations

Policy paper

This Operational Guidance paper follows on from two blogs published by SPACE on the subject of transfer values across the social protection and humanitarian nexus (here and here). This note dives even deeper into the topic, highlighting some key elements that could be considered when setting transfer...

30 أبريل 2021

CaLP Team 2019.

CALP is Growing…


An update from the CALP Network’s Director Karen Peachey 

Use Of Cash Assistance To Address Maternal, Newborn And Child Health Outcomes



30 أبريل 2021


A short history of cash and voucher assistance – 6 key lessons and observations

Blog Post

How has cash and voucher assistance evolved? Why has the use of humanitarian cash and voucher assistance (CVA) increased so rapidly in recent years? How has it emerged from the fringes to become an established part of all major humanitarian responses? Four people who have travelled the CVA path reflect on...

29 أبريل 2021

HNPW panel discussion: The Role of Local Actors in humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance

Members event

Although cash and voucher assistance (CVA) implementation has increased significantly in the past years, local and national humanitarian actors have been on the sideline of funding flows for CVA. They are often financed through two or even more intermediary organizations. At the same time, local actors...

27 أبريل 2021 / Join directly on zoom - / English

Enablers and Gaps: Gender Equality, Gender-Based Violence Response and Mitigation in Cash and Voucher Assistance at Response levels: analysis on three case studies


The Gender and Cash Sub-Workstream identified three case studies that illustrate how Cash Working Groups, GBV Sub-Clusters, gender focal points (e.g. Gender in Humanitarian Action Working groups at country and regional level) and humanitarian partnerships can enable meaningful and wider engagement on...

26 أبريل 2021

Cash Hub Webinar 20 – Learning from COVID-19 response

Members event

Many Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies (NSs) have used Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak. Albanian Red Cross and Serbian Red Cross will share information on its responses, challenges and learning. The IFRC Cash Global Lead (Caroline Holt) will open the webinar...

21 أبريل 2021 / Online Webinar / English

HNPW 2021 – Leveraging Nexus Enablers ‘Cash & Digital’ – Building Financial Resilience Through Collaboration

Members event

Session features interactive discussions with experts in humanitarian CVA, Community Savings Groups, financial inclusion and digital scale up across the HDPN spectrum for increased shock-responsive financial resilience in vulnerable households, post-COVID April 21, 2021:
6:00 pm UTC • 9:00 pm GMT +3 •...

21 أبريل 2021 / Humanitarian Network Partnership Week 2021 A joint session by SEEP NETWORK, DREAMSTARTLABS, VISIONFUND, WVI / English

Rapid Market Assessment and Price Monitoring Report – Huehuetenango Department Guatemala


Methodology: This rapid assessment of markets and prices was based on an adapted version of the IFRC’s Rapid Assessment for Markets, elements of the EMMA toolkit’s market system approach and the consortium of NGO’s price monitoring format. The methodology was chosen to give a basic and rapid...

21 أبريل 2021

A short history of cash and voucher assistance. CashCast episode 5.

Episode 5: A Short History of Cash and Voucher Assistance.


In this 5th episode of CashCast we take a look back over the evolution of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) and then leap forward to explore where it’s going next. 

CaLP Team 2019.

Seven years of Cash and Voucher Assistance: Parting words of wisdom from two amazing CALPies

Blog Post

Cash and Voucher Assistance has changed dramatically over the past seven years. Nathalie Klein, the CALP Network’s Regional Representative for West Africa, and Sophie Tholstrup, the CALP Network’s Policy Coordinator have recently left the organisation after seven and three years respectively. But...

15 أبريل 2021

USAID logo

USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance | Modality Decision Tool Nutrition Addendum

Members event

The USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance and USAID Advancing Nutrition are hosting an upcoming webinar on the new Modality Decision Tool Nutrition Addendum. The Addendum will enable implementing partners to apply a nutrition lens to the selection of appropriate modalities (cash, vouchers or in-kind)...

15 أبريل 2021 / Online / English

Comparative study of the effects of different cash modalities on gender dynamics and people with disabilities in Aleppo, Syria


In 2020/2021, the Syria Joint Response partners (ZOA, Oxfam, Cordaid, Dorcas and Terre des Hommes) completed a comparative research to showcase the different effects of different modalities on the most deprived and marginalised groups, in particular women and People With Disabilities (PWD) in order to...

14 أبريل 2021

Comparative study of the effects of different cash modalities on gender dynamics and people with disabilities in Aleppo, Syria – Executive summary


In 2020/2021, the Syria Joint Response partners (ZOA, Oxfam, Cordaid, Dorcas and Terre des Hommes) completed a comparative research to showcase the different effects of different modalities on the most deprived and marginalised groups, in particular women and People With Disabilities (PWD) in order to...

14 أبريل 2021

Eastern Africa Regional Cash Working Group meeting


Regular meeting of Cash and Markets practitioners and CWG Leads in the region. The purpose of the Regional Cash Working Group in Eastern Africa is to contribute towards improving the quality of humanitarian assistance by influencing cash and voucher assistance policy and practice. Specifically, the group...

13 أبريل 2021 / Virtual / English

Adapting humanitarian cash assistance in times of Covid-19 – experiences and learning from Jordan


This webinar examined how cash and voucher actors rapidly adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic in Jordan to reduce transmission risks, ensure delivery of benefits, maintain communication and accountability with refugee populations and meet increasing levels of need.  The national response to limit the spread...

12 أبريل 2021 12:00 / Join via Zoom Meeting / English