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المراقبة والتقييم

تمثل الطبيعة المرنة والمتعددة القطاعات للنقد تحديات فريدة عندما يتعلق الأمر بمراقبة وتقييم فعالية الاستجابات الإنسانية. سيساعد الاتفاق على المؤشرات المشتركة واستخدامها على ضمان أننا نعمل معًا لتحسين جودة المساعدة النقدية والقسائم.

لا تتعلق معظم تحديات الرصد والتقييم، مثل الافتقار إلى الاستثمار والقدرات الكافية، تحديدًا بالمساعدات النقدية والقسائم. لكن تلك التي تتعلق في المقام الأول برصد نتائج عمليات النقل غير المقيدة. ويمكن أن تجعل مرونة التحويلات النقدية من الصعب تحديد مؤشرات النتائج المناسبة، لأنها قد تتضمن مجموعة من المؤشرات القطاعية والشاملة. وفي الوقت نفسه، هناك قيود على جمع بيانات دقيقة حول كيفية إنفاق التحويلات النقدية.

التزم الموقعون على الصفقة الكبرى بضمان وجود آليات الرصد والتقييم ذات الصلة فيما يتعلق بالنقد، وزيادة فهم التكاليف والفوائد والآثار والمخاطر المتعلقة بالنقد بالنسبة للطرائق الأخرى. بناءً على ذلك، يحتوي مسار الصفقة الكبرى على نقاط عمل بما في ذلك تطوير مؤشرات نتائج مشتركة للمساعدات النقدية متعددة الأغراض، ومقاييس لتحليل القيمة مقابل المال. تم تقييد التحليل المنهجي للقيمة مقابل المال بسبب عوامل تشمل عدم وجود نهج متفق عليها، والحاجة إلى بيانات نتائج عالية الجودة، وطبيعة التحليل.

الأولويات الحالية

في إطار الالتزامات النقدية للصفقة الكبرى، شاركت شبكة CALP (مع الوكالة الأمريكية للتنمية الدولية وخدمات الإغاثة الكاثوليكية) في تطوير مؤشرات النتائج للمساعدات النقدية متعددة الأغراض. وتُتاح مسودة الاختبار حاليًا باللغات الإنجليزية والفرنسية والإسبانية عبر مكتبة شبكة CALP.


Social Protection Programmes Contribute to HIV Prevention

Policy paper

Social protection programmes reduce poverty and vulnerability while strengthening a broad range of developmental impacts. This brief describes the pathways through which social protection – especially cash transfers – contributes to HIV prevention, particularly in addressing the social, economic and...


The Impacts of Malawi’s Social Cash Transfer Programme on Community Dynamics


This short paper evaluates the impacts of Malawi’s Social Cash Transfer (SCT) programme on the household economy, the local economy and the social networks. The SCT programme was launched in Mchinji district in 2006. The programme provides regular cash payments to ultra-poor and labour-constrained...


Coordination Diagrams

Guidelines and Tools


Pre-crisis Market Mapping and Analysis (PCMMA): Training Report


In recent years, humanitarian organisations have been re-examining their
responses to emergencies. Many have begun experimenting with cash-based initiatives alongside or in place of conventional relief distributions of food and non-food items, and local procurement is being encouraged wherever possible....


Addressing Vulnerability? Cash Transfer Programming and Protection Outcomes for Out-of-Camp Syrian Refugees


This report explores key issues concerning vulnerability, targeting, and protection in cash transfer programming (CTP) by analyzing a Danish Refuge Council (DRC) project in southern Turkey. It is based on an ongoing “action research” collaboration between DRC and the Feinstein International Center...


Transcript: Market Analysis for Urban Humanitarian Response


This is the transcript for ALNAP’s 12th urban webinar. The recording can be viewed here. This webinar focused on how market analysis can support effective urban humanitarian response. Alexandre Gachoud from Oxfam, Laura Phelps from NRC and independent consultant Emmeline Saint shared their experiences...


Productive Impacts of the Child Grant Programme in Zambia


This short one page paper looks at the impacts of the Child Grant Programme in Zambia on asset ownership, agricultural activity, non-farm business activities, labour supply and local economies. The CGP is one of Zambia’s flagship social protection schemes. It targets ultra-poor districts not previously...


Cash, Care, Prevention and Adherence for Adolescents: Latest evidence from southern Africa


This presentation looks at cash, care, prevention and adherence for adolescents using the National Longitudinal study of Adolescents in Southern Africa.


Technical Guidelines: Conditional Cash for Rent

Guidelines and Tools

The guideline was prepared by UNHCR Shelter Working Group in Jordan with the objective of  informing shelter sector partners of best practices for implementing conditional cash-for-rent assistance targeting Syrian refugees in the host communities. The guide explores how to define the scope of a cash...


Voucher and Fair Implementation Guide

Guidelines and Tools

Mercy Corps’ Voucher and Fair implementation Guide  provides clear, step-by-step guidelines for teams implementing cash, restricted cash, or commodity voucher programmes. Written for an internal audience, the Guide may also be useful for peer agencies.


Shock-Responsive Social Protection Systems – Research


Presentation at the CALP Network Asia Regional Learning Event – Review of Lessons Learned and Recommendations from Typhoon Haiyan and Recent Emergencies


Lessons Learned for Nepal Earthquake Response


The aim of this product is to improve the performance of humanitarian actors in the response of the Nepal earthquake, assist agencies working in the response and encourage positive action by decision makers. The lessons learned, stated in this document, have been a product of the analysis of main findings...


Policy on the Protection of Personal Data of Persons of Concern to UNHCR

Policy paper

This Policy lays down the rules and principles relating to the processing of personal data of persons of concern to UNHCR. Its purpose is to ensure that UNHCR processes personal data in a way that is consistent with the 1990 United Nations General Assembly’s Guidelines for the Regulation of Computerized...


Feasibility of cash transfer modalities in refugee settlements


The main objective of this market assessment was to determine market functionality and the feasibility of cash transfer modality (and use of mobile money) among refugee settlements (Kyangwali, Kyaka II, Rwamwanja and Koboko) proposed for the cash transfer scale up in 2016. Survey households were randomly...


Impacts of the Child Grant Programme (CGP) on the Local Economy in Zambia


In this research brief, local economy-wide impact evaluation (LEWIE) simulation methods are used to assess the likely impacts of cash transfers on the local economy. When the Child Grant Programme (CGP) gives money to beneficiary households, they spend it to buy goods and services. As this cash circulates...


Voices and Views of Beneficiaries on Unconditional Cash Transfers – Democratic Republic of Congo, Nepal and the Philippines


Providing cash in humanitarian emergencies is expanding and the topic is well under discussion within the humanitarian sector with topics ranging from high-level consideration of cash as a tool to transform humanitarian aid, the significance of cash as a way to support beneficiary choice and dignity...


Voucher Monthly Post Distribution Form



A Review of Evidence of Humanitarian Cash Transfer Programming in Urban Areas


Urban poor populations frequently experience disasters of varying typology and intensity. When set against a backdrop of poverty and marginalisation, their needs can be complex. As recent urban crises have pushed humanitarian agencies to respond in urban areas, this literature review examines the...