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إن الأسواق التي تعمل بشكل جيد هي شريان الحياة للأشخاص المتضررين من الأزمات. المساعدات النقدية والقسائم الفعالة تستخدم في الأسواق المحلية وتدعمها. لذلك، يجب أن يكون تحليل السوق جزءًا أساسيًا من دورة الاستجابة للبرامج النقدية والأشكال الأخرى من المساعدات الإنسانية.

عند تصميم تدخل إنساني وتحديد ما إذا كان سيتم استخدام المساعدات النقدية والقسائم، يجب أن يكون تحليل السوق جزءًا من تحليل الاستجابة الشامل. وثبت أن دعم الأسواق للعمل بشكل جيد يؤدي إلى تعافي أسرع وزيادة المرونة في المناطق المتضررة من الكوارث.

واستثمرت العديد من المنظمات في تطوير أدوات لدعم تحليل السوق وتفكر في البرمجة القائمة على السوق بشكل أكثر شمولية. يشمل ذلك التدخلات التي تستخدم السوق (مثل التحويلات النقدية إلى السكان المتضررين)، بالإضافة إلى التدخلات التي تدعم الأسواق بشكل مباشر (مثل المنح المشروطة للمتداولين لإعادة تشغيل أسواقهم).


World Economic Forum, MasterCard and GSMA Commit to Lead Initiatives on Scaling-up Humanitarian Payments in Emergency Situations

Blog Post

The World Economic Forum, MasterCard and the GSMA join together at the World Humanitarian Summit, held this week in Istanbul on 23-24 May, to commit to lead initiatives that will improve the way people receive humanitarian assistance in the form of diverse payments following a crisis.

23 مايو 2016

An Agenda for Cash – Part of the CALP Network’s ‘100 days of cash’ initiative

Guidelines and Tools

The ‘Agenda for Cash’ provides a snapshot of what more than 40 organisations believe needs to change in relation to cash transfer programming at this precise moment in time. Implementers themselves have created it, through a collaborative process facilitated by the CALP Network to influence the Grand...

May 2016

Humanitarian Cash Transfer Programming Symposium – Cash based responses in North-eastern Nigeria: harmonising CTP approaches, sharing learning and cash transfer mechanisms experiences


With the increasing use of cash based responses in NE Nigeria the humanitarian organisations identified the need to share the knowledge and experiences that exist to date. The Humanitarian Cash Transfer Symposium was a structured workshop for humanitarian organisations to share experiences, learnings, and...

13 أبريل 2016

Responding to Diverse Needs: Multipurpose Cash Grants

Blog Post

The growing use of cash transfers across a wide range of sectors provides opportunities for a paradigm shift to a more dignified, holistic approach to humanitarian assistance. Learn how UNHCR, in coordination with partners such as Oxfam, Save the Children, and the IRC, are using multipurpose cash grants...

4 أبريل 2016

Oxfam distribution in East Ghouta

E-Vouchers for Syrian Refugees in Turkey: Challenges and lessons learned around vulnerability, targeting, and protection

Blog Post

There are more than 2.5 million Syrian refugees living in Turkey. The vast majority of these individuals have settled in cities, not camps, and therefore receive minimal or no humanitarian assistance to help meet their basic needs. In response to this gap, the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) in Turkey...

4 أبريل 2016

Cash-based approaches in humanitarian emergencies A systematic review. April 2016


Humanitarian actors have a responsibility to ensure that assistance is provided in a way that minimizes risks and maximizes benefits to people affected by crisis. However, there are many challenges in evaluating ‘what works’ in addressing the needs of crisis-affected populations, and translating...

April 2016

The Use of Cash Transfer for Livelihoods: Considerations and lessons learned

Blog Post

As the use of cash transfer programming increases, questions of how it can be used both to meet short-term relief needs and to contribute to recovery and longer-term development become more pertinent. In particular, the use of cash transfers to meet livelihoods objectives can be a highly effective means...

31 مارس 2016

Cash Working Groups: A preliminary mapping


Brief overview of the state of cash working groups in emergency settings.

February 2016

Pintakasi. A review of shelter/Wash delivery methods in post-disaster or recovery interventions


Catholic Relief Services conducted an in-depth study to assess the efficiency, effectiveness and appropriateness of the modalities for delivering shelter and Wash assistance in its Typhoon Haiyan Recovery Program. This study, Pintakasi hopes to contribute valuable lessons learned and share best...


The Impact of Earned and Windfall Cash Transfers on Livelihoods and Conservation in Sierra Leone


This study by Bulte et al. measures the impact of a cash transfer programme aimed at alleviating poverty and reducing pressure on the natural environment in Sierra Leone. Researchers offered aid to 91 rural communities, which are dependent on slash-and-burn agriculture in three forms: as windfall...


Rapid Assessment for Markets: Bidibidi Refugee Settlement


The Rapid Assessment of Markets (RAM) conducted within the Bidibidi Refugee Settlement and in the surrounding Ugandan towns and trading centres sheds some light upon the rapidly developing network of marketplaces within one of the world’s fastest growing refugee settlements. The RAM highligthed key...


The Mam’out Project: Seasonal Multiannual Cash Transfers for the Prevention of Acute Malnutrition in Tapoa


In response to alarming rates of acute malnutrition, Action Against Hunger (ACF) initiated a project to strengthen and evaluate the prevention of acute malnutrition of children younger than 36 months in the Tapoa province, Burkina Faso. Using seasonal and multiannual unconditional cash transfers, ACF’s...


ELAN Workshop Report: E-Transfers in Iraq and Syria


This report outlines the main conclusions and takeways of ELAN workshop held in Iraq. The event was organized to meet the following objectives: Introduce participants to the what, why, and when of e-transfers. Explore solutions to the particular challenges of using e-transfers in Iraq and Syria. Share...


Data Protection Case Study: Nigeria


In March 2016, the Electronic Cash Transfer Learning Action Network (ELAN) brought together Mercy Corps’ and Catholic Relief Services’ Nigeria teams to discuss data protection in their electronic voucher programs and overall operations. Because data protection relies so heaviliy on context (e.g.,...


Data management and protection starter kit: Tip sheet 4: Registration

Guidelines and Tools

Registration is the process of collecting information on program participants so that your team has a clear record of who is participating and a means to verify participants’ identity throughout the program lifecycle. Registration is also one of the first opportunities to demonstrate responsible data...


Livelihoods & Persons of Concern


Nearly half of refugees in world today are caught in protracted situations with bleak durable solutions Increase in new conflicts and natural disasters Humanitarian imperative to actively seek self-reliance strategies Reappraise protracted refugee settings through a self-reliance lens Create enabling...


Evaluation of the Kenya Hunger Safety Net Programme Phase 2: Drought Emergency Scale-up Payments Process Review – Final report


This report presents findings from the process review of the Hunger and Safety Net Programme (HSNP) drought emergency scale-up payments, commissioned under the independent evaluation of the HSNP. The review provides an independent account of stakeholders’ experiences in the implementation of the first...


International Cash based assistance


For more than 60 years, the United States provided assistance to food-insecure countries primarily in the form of food commodities procured in the United States and transported overseas. In recent years, the U.S.government has increasingly provided food assistance in the form of cash transfers or food...


ELAN Vocabulary and Usage

Guidelines and Tools

As e-transfer programs, technologies and products develop, key terms, phrases and working definitions are evolving alongside them. At the moment, these words and phrases are rarely standardized, and often hold unique meanings within different contexts and to different stakeholders. In order to facilitate...