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إن الأسواق التي تعمل بشكل جيد هي شريان الحياة للأشخاص المتضررين من الأزمات. المساعدات النقدية والقسائم الفعالة تستخدم في الأسواق المحلية وتدعمها. لذلك، يجب أن يكون تحليل السوق جزءًا أساسيًا من دورة الاستجابة للبرامج النقدية والأشكال الأخرى من المساعدات الإنسانية.

عند تصميم تدخل إنساني وتحديد ما إذا كان سيتم استخدام المساعدات النقدية والقسائم، يجب أن يكون تحليل السوق جزءًا من تحليل الاستجابة الشامل. وثبت أن دعم الأسواق للعمل بشكل جيد يؤدي إلى تعافي أسرع وزيادة المرونة في المناطق المتضررة من الكوارث.

واستثمرت العديد من المنظمات في تطوير أدوات لدعم تحليل السوق وتفكر في البرمجة القائمة على السوق بشكل أكثر شمولية. يشمل ذلك التدخلات التي تستخدم السوق (مثل التحويلات النقدية إلى السكان المتضررين)، بالإضافة إلى التدخلات التي تدعم الأسواق بشكل مباشر (مثل المنح المشروطة للمتداولين لإعادة تشغيل أسواقهم).


Compte-rendu du Cash Working Group du Nigeria du 28 novembre 2019


January 2020

Nigeria Cash Working Group (CWG) State Humanitarian Social Protection Forum Draft Terms of Reference (ToR)


The frequency, nature and complexity of humanitarian crisis is changing. At the same time there is greater recognition of the link between pre existing vulnerabilities and people’s ability to cope and recover from the impacts of the crisis. These form some of the key factors that are influencing the...


Iraq Cash Working Group (CWG) Partner Projects Registry

Guidelines and Tools

Spreadsheet template to track all the partner projects of a Cash Working Group


South Sudan Cash Working Group (CWG) 5Ws reporting template

Guidelines and Tools

Template Spreadsheet for reporting activities on WHO does WHAT, WHERE, WHEN for WHOM that fall under the Cash Working Group framework.


Humanitarian Assistance and Social Safety Nets in Protracted Crises: A Case Study of Iraq


This case study aims to contextualize cash assistance in a protracted humanitarian crisis like Iraq and how it can be used to transition to social protection in the long run. Humanitarian aid in the country is likely to
continue to meet the needs of the most vulnerable population, especially those who...

January 2020

Iraq Financial Service Providers Assessment Tools

Guidelines and Tools

Tools created by the Iraq Cash Working Group to aid the assessment of Financial Service Providers


Somalia Cash Working Group (CWG) 3W

Guidelines and Tools

Spreadsheet for tracking activities undertaken by the Somali Cash Working Group partners


Financial Service Providers Capacity Assessment Tool

Guidelines and Tools

Assessment tool for Financial Service Providers, created by the International Organization for Migration (IOM)


International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement Cash Feasibility and Delivery Mechanism Tools

Guidelines and Tools

A series of tools to aid assessment of feasibility and potential delivery mechanisms for delivering aid via Cash Transfer Programming (CTP)


Libya Pre & Post Monitoring Questions Urban Refugee Programme


Pre & Post Monitoring Questions for the Urban Refugee Programme in Libya


Expression of Interest GBV Focal Point

Policy paper

The National Cash Working Group (CWG) in Iraq is calling for organizations to express their interest in nominating a staff to become the group’s GBV focal point. As outlined in the TOR for the GBV focal point (attached here), this role will work to assist the CWG in mainstreaming GBV prevention and risk...


Somalia Cash Working Group (CWG) Monitoring Questionnaires

Guidelines and Tools

Baseline and Post-Distribution Monitoring questionnaires