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إن الأسواق التي تعمل بشكل جيد هي شريان الحياة للأشخاص المتضررين من الأزمات. المساعدات النقدية والقسائم الفعالة تستخدم في الأسواق المحلية وتدعمها. لذلك، يجب أن يكون تحليل السوق جزءًا أساسيًا من دورة الاستجابة للبرامج النقدية والأشكال الأخرى من المساعدات الإنسانية.

عند تصميم تدخل إنساني وتحديد ما إذا كان سيتم استخدام المساعدات النقدية والقسائم، يجب أن يكون تحليل السوق جزءًا من تحليل الاستجابة الشامل. وثبت أن دعم الأسواق للعمل بشكل جيد يؤدي إلى تعافي أسرع وزيادة المرونة في المناطق المتضررة من الكوارث.

واستثمرت العديد من المنظمات في تطوير أدوات لدعم تحليل السوق وتفكر في البرمجة القائمة على السوق بشكل أكثر شمولية. يشمل ذلك التدخلات التي تستخدم السوق (مثل التحويلات النقدية إلى السكان المتضررين)، بالإضافة إلى التدخلات التي تدعم الأسواق بشكل مباشر (مثل المنح المشروطة للمتداولين لإعادة تشغيل أسواقهم).


Transferencias de efectivo en contextos urbanos. Un manual para expertos


Al observar el aumento de la población urbana en todo el mundo y su creciente vulnerabilidad ante catástrofes, el the CALP Network, con financiación de la European Commission for Humanitarian Office (ECHO),  puso  su empeño en investigar el estado actual y el efecto de los programas de...


E-transfers in Emergencies: Implementation support guidelines

Guidelines and Tools

Electronic transfers, or e-transfers, are a form of value transfer that relies on digital payment systems. The great many benefits they can realise for aid recipients and aid agencies alike in terms of increased security, convenience, privacy, speed, reduced operational/transaction costs and logistics,...


Children and Economic Strengthening Programmes Maximising Benefits and Minimising Harm

Guidelines and Tools

This guide is designed for practitioners designing or implementing economic strengthening (ES) programs in low-income settings that are sensitive to the protection needs and well-being of vulnerable children. The guide provides an overview of key learning about how ES can achieve better outcomes and...


Results-Based Practitioners’ Roundtable Summary Report


This document summarises the discussions held at the Results-Based Practitioners’ Roundtable. This included discussions surrounding the obstacles to measuring the impact of protection and the development of a results-based approach to protection.


World Food Programme Afghanistan: Effectiveness study


This document presents the findings of a comparative cost effectiveness analysis of four WFP hunger reduction activities. It can be seen as a follow up on the Country Portfolio Evaluation 2012. This study has been conducted using the existing WFP operational costing data and assessing costs benefits...


Theories of Change for Cash Transfers


While there is a large body of literature examining social protection and cash transfers’ (CT) impacts on poverty reduction and development, there is much less on understanding the mechanisms and pathways by which this happens. This report gathers together examples from the literature which attempt to...


Supply‐Chain Research Opportunities with the Poor as Suppliers or Distributors in Developing Countries


Many social enterprises and some companies have developed supply chains with the poor as suppliers or distributors to alleviate poverty and to create revenues for themselves. Such supply chains have created new research opportunities because they raise issues fundamentally different from those examined...


Women’s Empowerment and Nutrition: An Evidence Review


This paper starts by reflecting on the concept and measurement of women’s empowerment and then reviews some of the structural interventions that aim to influence underlying gender norms in society and eradicate gender discrimination. It then proceeds to review the evidence of the impact of three types...


MasterCard Worldwide and Mercy Corps: ELEVATE phase I report


The Nepal pilot focused on testing several key stages in the deployment of mobile vouchers, including the following: Identify a technology partner, Customize a mobile voucher platform, and Use the platform to distribute goods to people in need. Two different types of mobile vouchers (SMS and smartphone...


Social Protection and Resilient Food Systems: The role of cash transfers

Policy paper

Cash transfers – a form of social protection – have been increasingly used as a tool for reducing poverty and vulnerability in middle and low-income countries over the past decade. More recently, cash transfers have also been used as an alternative to food aid in humanitarian contexts. The objective...


Cash or Coupons? Testing the impacts of cash transfers versus vouchers in the Democratic Republic of Congo


Despite the increased use of conditional and unconditional cash-transfer programs worldwide, a majority of social protection programs in both developed and developing countries use in-kind transfers and vouchers. This paper reports the results of a randomized evaluation of an unconditional cash transfer...


Market Analysis and Transportation Procurement for Food Aid in Ethiopia


This publication analyzes the contracts between the World Food Programme and private carriers and identifies the determinants of transportation tariffs in Ethiopia and quantify their relative importance.


Water Trucking Market System in Harshin


The Somali region of Ethiopia is an arid area which suffers from a water shortage every year. However, the degree of severity can differ quite markedly from year to year and the existence of microclimates within the region itself means that needs are never uniform. In 2011, the region experienced two...


Guidance for DFID country offices on measuring and maximising value for money in cash transfer programmes

Guidelines and Tools

This document is a revised edition of Guidance for DFID country offices on measuring and maximising value for money in cash transfer programmes which DFID published in October 2011. The guidance is in two linked parts:
1. Part 1 provides a toolkit which sets out key concepts and metrics for analysing...


Water Vouchers Evaluation Report, Gaza 2013


A participatory assessment on disaster risk reduction (DRR) was undertaken in GAZA governorate in 2011, OXFAM being the lead agency within the WASH cluster emergency response and preparedness in this area. Three vulnerable neighbourhoods (AL MALALHA, AL MOGRAGHA and AL ZARGA), were identified and an...


Building Women’s Economic and Social Empowerment Through Enterprise: An experimental assessment of the Women’s Income Generating Support (WINGS) program in Uganda


Investing in women is said to be a key to development. Educate her, buy her a cow or goat, or help her start a business and great things will follow: sustained increases in income, greater empowerment and social inclusion, health and education for the children, and (especially in war-affected regions)...


Minimum Requirements For Market Analysis In Emergencies: Annex 1 – Checklists


In order to see whether or not the minimum requirements have been met, the following checklist should be referred to at each stage of the process. Space is provided to explain issues that have arisen which may have
prevented the MRs from being met. Organisations may wish to use this checklist on a regular...