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إن الأسواق التي تعمل بشكل جيد هي شريان الحياة للأشخاص المتضررين من الأزمات. المساعدات النقدية والقسائم الفعالة تستخدم في الأسواق المحلية وتدعمها. لذلك، يجب أن يكون تحليل السوق جزءًا أساسيًا من دورة الاستجابة للبرامج النقدية والأشكال الأخرى من المساعدات الإنسانية.

عند تصميم تدخل إنساني وتحديد ما إذا كان سيتم استخدام المساعدات النقدية والقسائم، يجب أن يكون تحليل السوق جزءًا من تحليل الاستجابة الشامل. وثبت أن دعم الأسواق للعمل بشكل جيد يؤدي إلى تعافي أسرع وزيادة المرونة في المناطق المتضررة من الكوارث.

واستثمرت العديد من المنظمات في تطوير أدوات لدعم تحليل السوق وتفكر في البرمجة القائمة على السوق بشكل أكثر شمولية. يشمل ذلك التدخلات التي تستخدم السوق (مثل التحويلات النقدية إلى السكان المتضررين)، بالإضافة إلى التدخلات التي تدعم الأسواق بشكل مباشر (مثل المنح المشروطة للمتداولين لإعادة تشغيل أسواقهم).


Annex C: Philippines Case Study


This Philippines case study is part of DFID research on the Value for Money (VfM) of cash, voucher and in-kind transfers, which will lead to the development of DFID guidance. Its purpose is to identify evidence on the VfM of different transfers (cash, vouchers and in-kind) provided in response to Super...


Cash Based Programming In Somalia – Module 6: Focus On Vouchers


This guidance note is part of a series of nine modules that seeks to provide support to humanitarian actors working on Cash Based Programming in Somalia Cash transfer programming can be set up through different designs with contextual specificities defining diverse approaches to targeting, control...


A Review of Evidence of Humanitarian Cash Transfer Programming in Urban Areas: Annexes


Annexes to accompany the working paper ‘A review of evidence
of humanitarian cash transfer programming in urban areas”


Business Guide – Flash appeal for response to the Nepal earthquake

Policy paper

An overview of the main humanitarian issues facing Nepal following the 2015 Earthquake, as well as indicators as to how businesses can assist with disaster response.


Guidance Notes: Cash Transfers in Livelihoods Programming- West Africa

Guidelines and Tools

A growing acceptance of cash transfers as an inter-sectorial tool is accompanied by a better understanding of this approach and its potential to break the cycle of poverty, after much discussion on the role cash transfers have to play in building resilience. In the Sahel, food security experts have...


Philippines Haiyan Response – A multi-sectoral review of the use of market analysis and the design and implementation of CTPs


Following Typhoon Haiyan, which hit the Philippines on November 8 2014, at least 45 aid agencies chose to implement Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) to assist the more than 16 million people affected. Cash transfers were a logical approach in a country with developed market systems, strong financial...


Global Humanitarian Assistance Report 2015


Humanitarian financing is in the spotlight like never before. An extraordinary combination of crises continues to test international, national and local capacity to prevent, prepare and respond as needs continue to outstrip available resources. Global processes taking place during 2015 and 2016 –...


Financial Services Primer for Humanitarians

Guidelines and Tools

Financial services facilitate a wide range of economic and households activities in any society. They enable trade and business expansion and allow individuals to save, send and borrow money. Humanitarian cash transfers, particularly when delivered electronically,can expand access to financial services...


Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Cash-Based Food Assistance Projects: A case study and discussion paper of findings in Niger


Despite recent and expanding literature on cost effectiveness and value for money, there is little by way of guidance for the implementation of cost-effectiveness analysis in humanitarian and development programming. This report distills findings from the literature on ex post cost-effectiveness analysis,...


Protection Risks and Benefits Analysis Tool


This tool provides global evidence on the protection risks and benefits of cash-based interventions, divided into key protection areas. It outlines the key questions that practitioners should explore to reach a context-specific, participatory identification of protection risks and benefits of a given...


Rapid Humanitarian Assessment in Urban Settings

Guidelines and Tools

This Technical Brief is intended to be a starting point for improving coordinated needs assessments in urban areas, without which the humanitarian community will not be able to ensure the quality and accountability of urban response itself. It provides guidance on carrying out joint rapid assessments of...


Impact of Multipurpose Cash Assistance on Outcomes for Children in Lebanon


This report examines the impact of multipurpose cash assistance (MCA) on children, specifically looking at child outcomes and child protection outcomes, in Lebanon. The impact of the Lebanon Cash Consortium MCA program was measured using a variety of indicators for shelter quality and consistency, child...


Exploring Food Assistance Programmes: Evidence for Lebanon


The purpose of this study is to analyse how markets in Lebanon have responded to the increased demand from the Syrian refugees. More specifically, the study focuses on the micro-level impacts of market-based food assistance on the market supply chains and market performance. It explores the pros and cons...


Cash Competency Development Framework

Guidelines and Tools

There is no recognized or recorded competency base for cash transfers. Based on research, good practice and experience, Avenir Analytics has ascertained that there are five competency areas as an organisation needs to address to effectively and efficiently use cash transfers as a tool.


Mozambique, Country Programme 200286: An evaluation of WFP’s operation (2012-2015) – Management Response


The final evaluation covers WFP’s country programme (CP) 200286 (2012-2015). It was intended for both accountability and learning purposes and focuses on assessing: the appropriateness and coherence of the operation its results  the factors explaining the results. The evaluation assessed the...


Cash in Emergencies Toolkit

Guidelines and Tools

Access Toolkit Here Cash transfer based programming (CTP) is an effective and flexible way to support people affected by emergencies, maintaining their dignity and choice, while fostering local economies. CTP includes all forms of cash and voucher-based assistance. The Cash in Emergencies Toolkit has been...


Tips for Protection in Cash based interventions

Guidelines and Tools

This document presents a set of general tips to identify, monitor and mitigate protection risks and maximize protection benefits of cash-based interventions.  


Annex 4: Examples of questions for household, community and focus group discussions


It is recommended to include the following six questions in the community questionnaire. Questions 1 & 2 are useful for guiding the trader survey team to the relevant local markets. The third question allows drawing up a village profile, and may alter the recommendations of the assessment team if markets...


Operationalizing Emergency MPCA: Learning from the Ramadi displacement, May to July 2015


Iraq is an upper middle-income country with high literacy rates, sound infrastructure, functioning markets, and a comprehensive hawala network that covers all 18 governorates, making it a potentially appropriate context for cash transfer programs. Despite this apparent enabling environment, cash transfers...