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  1. الرئيسية
  2. المجالات


إن الأسواق التي تعمل بشكل جيد هي شريان الحياة للأشخاص المتضررين من الأزمات. المساعدات النقدية والقسائم الفعالة تستخدم في الأسواق المحلية وتدعمها. لذلك، يجب أن يكون تحليل السوق جزءًا أساسيًا من دورة الاستجابة للبرامج النقدية والأشكال الأخرى من المساعدات الإنسانية.

عند تصميم تدخل إنساني وتحديد ما إذا كان سيتم استخدام المساعدات النقدية والقسائم، يجب أن يكون تحليل السوق جزءًا من تحليل الاستجابة الشامل. وثبت أن دعم الأسواق للعمل بشكل جيد يؤدي إلى تعافي أسرع وزيادة المرونة في المناطق المتضررة من الكوارث.

واستثمرت العديد من المنظمات في تطوير أدوات لدعم تحليل السوق وتفكر في البرمجة القائمة على السوق بشكل أكثر شمولية. يشمل ذلك التدخلات التي تستخدم السوق (مثل التحويلات النقدية إلى السكان المتضررين)، بالإضافة إلى التدخلات التي تدعم الأسواق بشكل مباشر (مثل المنح المشروطة للمتداولين لإعادة تشغيل أسواقهم).


A Review of UNICEF’s Role in Cash Transfers to Emergency Affected Populations


This paper is part of an ongoing process exploring UNICEF’s engagement with cash-based responses in emergencies. The main aim of the paper is to stimulate discussion on the potential role of cash transfers within UNICEF’s response to emergencies.

20 أبريل 2015

The Design and Management of Cash Transfer Programmes: An Overview

Policy paper

This paper describes and explains the operations of cash transfer schemes, outlining good practice in the design processes required to operationalize policy-level design principles. It describes the four key components comprising the administrative structure of most cash transfer programmes and, based on...

10 أبريل 2015

Mobile Financial Services in Bangladesh


This report is the consolidation of findings derived from desk research and face-to-face interviews with key mobile financial services providers, telecom operators, technology platform providers, regulators, and USAID health and agriculture project staff and beneficiaries.
The objective of this report is...

April 2015

Market Analysis Application in WASH Response


Markets are an important aspect of the livelihood where the majority of the world’s population depend upon. During disaster, market recovery is critical where it indicates the recuperation that livelihood, jobs and businesses rely upon. Humanitarian actors need to factor market analysis into their...

25 مارس 2015

Cash, Vouchers or In-Kind? Guidance on Evaluating How Transfers are Made in Emergency Programming

Guidelines and Tools

In humanitarian settings, aid agencies often assist populations by transferring resources, usually using cash, vouchers or in-kind aid, such as food rations, shelter materials, seeds and tools and kits of household items. The use of cash or vouchers to replace in-kind aid is most pronounced in food...

12 مارس 2015

The Impact of Social Cash Transfer Programmes on Community Dynamics in Sub-Saharan Africa


Social cash transfer programmes are on the rise in sub-Saharan Africa, building on the momentum generated by the African Union’s 2008 Social Policy Framework Plan of Action. This plan motivated member countries to develop their own social policy frameworks and to give greater priority to social...

23 فبراير 2015

Summary Evaluation Report of WFP’s Cash and Voucher Policy (2008-2014)


The  WFP’s Summary Evaluation Report on cash and voucher policy  (2008-2014) was commissioned by WFP’s  Office of Evaluation in order to assess the quality and results of the policy and its implementation. The evaluation found that although the policy does not represent WFP’s current best...

9 يناير 2015

Cash Coordination in the Philippines: A review of lessons learned during the response to Super Typhoon Haiyan


In the last five years there has been a growing trend towards the use of cash transfer programming (CTP) as a response modality in emergencies across the humanitarian sector. The fungibility of cash, when provided without restrictions, offers increased choice for affected populations to...


Electronic Cash Grants in Emergencies: Approaches and lessons learned


Cash distributions in an emergency: A concept that seems so obvious today yet has only recently gained recognition within humanitarian response programming for its speed, efficiency and—above all—effectiveness.
This document provides a snapshot for humanitarian response peers on best practices,...


Remittances to Syria: What works, where and how


This study sought to understand remittance flows into Syria, and established that various Informal Value Transfer Systems (IVTS) are used, to the exclusion of the formal banking sector. Registered and unregistered hawala, courier services and family connections are used. Remittances have played an...


Review of Targeting of Cash and Food Assistance for Syrian Refugees in Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt


This report is an output of a consultancy to review the process of developing protocols for targeting cash and food assistance to Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Egypt and Jordan during 2014. Under the auspices of the High Level Meeting between WFP and UNHCR (May 2014) and the WFP and UNHCR Joint Action...


Nepal Earthquake Response: Lessons for operational agencies

Policy paper

In the aftermath of the April 2015 earthquake in Nepal, this paper looks at lessons drawn from previous comparable disasters and seeks to provide invaluable information and assistance to the operational agencies responding to the crisis. Seventeen Lessons give an overview of important learnings based on...


Documentation and Learning: Rapid emergency assistance to Typhoon Ruby (Hagupit) affected communities in the province of Samar, Philippines April 2015


The documentation and learning study identifies good practices and lessons from the implementation of the Rapid Emergency Assistance to Typhoon Ruby (Hagupit) Affected Communities in the Province of Samar by Christian Aid (CA) and its local NGO partners – Coastal Core Incorporated (CCI), Center for...


Final Report for Assessment of the Impact of Cash For Work Beneficiaries training for Phases IIB and IV


Phases IIB and IV of the Cash For Work (CFW) project were implemented by FAO Somalia over the period 2013-2015 and aimed at enhancing access to food by the food insecure households in the short-term, while supporting restoration of food production through the rehabilitation/construction of productive...


Capacity Building Theory Of Change

Guidelines and Tools

Capacity Building is a foundation of the CALP Network’s vision, focus and mandate, and our Capacity Building Strategy emanates from a Theory of Change that describes how the CALP Network’s inputs and activities result in short-term outcomes and can lead to long-term outcomes and ultimate impact. The...