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نتائج 141 من 160 – 450

Looking Back to Move Forward: Building on Learning from 2011 to Strengthen the 2017 Drought Response in Somalia Learning Report


This report provides a summary of the discussions that took place during a half-day reflection workshop in May 2017. More than 40 people from national and international NGOs, the UN, donors and research organisations came together to consider lessons from the 2011 drought response, reflect on the use of...


The Potential of Food Assistance for Assets (FFA) to Empower Women and Improve Women’s Nutrition: a five country study


From June 2016 to April 2017, a five-country study to explore the potential of WFP’s Food Assistance for Assets (FFA) programmes to empower women and improve women’s nutrition was conducted by WFP. The purpose of the study was to: 1. Assess changes (outcomes or impacts) that relate to women’s...


Multisectoral Basic Needs and Market Assessment Moyo Uganda


A multisectoral basic needs and market assessment done in Palorinya settlement and the host communities within Moyo district. Focuses are on basic needs and cash feasibility, the education system gaps, the firewood issues and access to loans and credit.
Data were gathered in December 2017, with...


Cash Transfers for Refugees – An Opportunity to Bridge the Gap Between Humanitarian Assistance and Social protection


The world is now experiencing the biggest refugee crisis since the second world war. Many of the countries with the highest outflow of refugees are facing ongoing conflicts that are unlikely to end anytime soon. In fact, most displacement crises are protracted, with 80% lasting ten years or more. The...


Myth-busting? Confronting Six Common Perceptions about Unconditional Cash Transfers as a Poverty Reduction Strategy in Africa


This paper summarizes evidence on six perceptions associated with cash transfer programming, using eight rigorous evaluations conducted on large-scale government unconditional cash transfers in sub-Saharan Africa, under the Transfer Project. Specifically, it investigates if transfers: 1)...


Shock-Responsive Social Protection Systems Research Case study—Post-Haiyan Cash Transfers in the Philippines


This case study report  focuses specifically on the experiences of using emergency cash transfers following Typhoon Haiyan and considers the wider social protection system, developments since Haiyan and future possibilities for shock-responsive social protection. A summary briefing note is published...


Libya Humanitarian Cash Working Group (CWG) Key Messages


The purpose of this document is to provide key messages of the Cash Working Group (CWG) that can be used in discussions with humanitarian stakeholders. This document is not designed to be passed to interlocutors, but rather inform CWG members on key points to raise in discussions.

January 2017

The Livelihood Impacts of Cash Transfers in Sub-Saharan Africa: Beneficiary Perspectives from Six Countries


Cash transfers (CTs) are a social protection mechanism to reduce the poorest households’ vulnerability to shocks and build human
capital by smoothing consumption and sustaining expenditure on education and social welfare. This study examines whether and how CTs go beyond welfare objectives to promote...


CTP in the Ethiopia Drought Response: Using Learning to Shape Action


This workshop, convened by the CALP Network and the Ethiopia Cash Working Group, reflected on the use of cash transfers in the 2017 drought response. Key findings were: Cash helped address immediate needs and contributed to meeting some of the drought response objectives. There were significant...


Partnering with Mobile Network Operators in Zimbabwe to Deliver Cash Transfers


This case study seeks to investigate and document the following: The process of engagement between MNOs and CARE. Clarity of roles between CARE/WVI as implementing agencies and MNOs. Successes and challenges in the partnership between CARE/WVI and the MNOs Measures taken to manage the impact of the...


Rapid Assessment for market report : West Kenya and Informal settlements in Kenya.


Two locations namely Mathare and Kibera slums in Nairobi as well as Kisumu, Migori and Homabay counties in West Kenya were affected by post election skirmishes after the Kenya General Elections of 8th August 2017. In September 2017 Kenya Red Cross conducted a post crisis market assessment to establish how...


Managing Cash-Based Programmes in a Volatile Markets Contexts: The Case of Delivering Cash Using Mobile Money During the Zimbabwe Cash Liquidity Crisis


This case study examines how the Zimbabwe national cash crisis evolved and the ways in which affected communities and the CTP adapted to the challenges it posed. The study highlights what worked well, what was less effective, and some other possible future opportunities. It also provides operational...


Scaling-up CTP in Somalia: Reflecting on the 2017 Drought Response


This report summarises discussions that took place during a half-day workshop in September 2017. It built on issues identified as needing action in May, as outlined in the ‘Looking back to move forward: Building on learning from 2011 to strengthen the 2017 drought response in Somalia learning report’.


Monitoring for MPGs: Nigeria

Guidelines and Tools

DRC partnered with graduate students from the Fletcher School at Tufts University, to design three quantitative and qualitative monitoring tools to gauge the effect of MPGs at household and community levels (namely household survey, key informant interview and community group discussion templates). This...


Cash or in-kind? Why not both? Response Analysis Lessons from Multimodal Programming


This research reviews lessons learned about response analysis from multimodal responses, that is, responses in which practitioners determined that more than one response modality between cash,vouchers, and in-kind, was a “best fit” or in which the conclusions about “best fit” changed over...


Baseline Survey for Project Output and Livelihoods Support Assessment


This report highlights the baseline findings of the UNHCR funded project “Increased self-reliance through cash interventions and livelihoods support to conflict-affected South Sudanese refugees in Bidibidi refugee settlement and host communities in Yumbe District in Uganda” implemented by...


Monitoring for MPGs: Ethiopia

Guidelines and Tools

DRC partnered with graduate students from the Fletcher School at Tufts University, to design three quantitative and qualitative monitoring tools to gauge the effect of MPGs at household and community levels (namely household survey, key informant interview and community group discussion templates). This...