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نتائج 101 من 120 – 727

Market Assessment in Bandua, Inanjou and Buzi


This report presents the outcome of an assessment in three markets following the impact of cyclone Idai. The overall objectives of the market assessment were to understand the functionality of the markets at the current stage and its ability to cater to the increased multi-sectoral needs if vouchers are...

April 2019

CARE Rapid Gender Analysis – A Commitment to Addressing Gender and Protection Issues in Cyclone – and Flood – Affected Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe


CARE International is responding to the impact of Cyclone Idai and the associated floods in Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. As part of our response, CARE’s team in each of the countries is currently developing or is planning to develop a Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) for the affected regions. An RGA...

29 مارس 2019

The Potential of Cash-Based Interventions to Promote Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment


The study on The Potential of Cash-Based Interventions to Promote Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment sought to explore how CBIs can contribute to achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE), as ends in themselves and for food security and nutrition outcomes. Where changes in GEWE...

February 2019

The Potential of Cash-Based Interventions to Promote Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment – Summary Report of the Multi-Country Study


The study on The Potential of Cash-Based Interventions to Promote Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment sought to explore how CBIs can contribute to achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE), as ends in themselves and for food security and nutrition outcomes. Where changes in GEWE...

February 2019

6 Key Points to Address: Using Learning to Strengthen Cash and Voucher Assistance in the 2019 Drought Response in Somalia


A summary of learning from Evaluation reports from the 2017 Somalia drought response.


Cash transfer Programmes – Impact on Stunting and Financial Inclusion


This report focussed on evidence published in the last ten years (since 2009) on cash transfer programs’ impact on stunting and financial inclusion. The importance of maternal education on stunting emerged from the literature and warrants further investigation, which was outside the scope of this...


Somali Safety Net Design: Designing a Scalable Safety Net Program for Somalia Using Household Economy Analysis (HEA)


The aim of the study was to use existing household economy analysis (HEA) data to help in the design of a scalable cash-transfer-based safety net program for Somalia. The study made use of a recently completed 15-year (30-season) time series analysis covering 13 livelihood zones in Somalia.


Analysis of social and power dynamics of stakeholders for the implementation of multi-year MultiPurpose Cash Transfers in North Mali


Six INGOs (Hunger Against Action, Danish Refugee Council, Handicap International, Oxfam, Solidarités International and International Rescue Committee) have been implementing a MultiPurpose Cash Transfers programme in Mali; the second phase of this social safety net intervention targets the communes the...


Cash Impact on Food Security and Non-Food Outcomes: Ministudy II


To better understand how different amounts and frequencies of cash transfer impact household food security outcomes and non-food outcomes (food well-being, financial well-being, ability to cope with shocks and stresses and household well-being), this study compared the project outcomes for 3 groups: a...


The Gendered Dimension of Multi-Purpose Cash Supporting Disaster Resilience


In 2017, in response to the mounting humanitarian crisis in Yemen, CARE Yemen and Action Contra la Faim (ACF) implemented a cash transfer program and community asset rehabilitation and skill building programing in the governorates of Abyan and Amran. This European Union (EU)-funded program integrated...


Kızılaykart Cash Based Assistance, Information Note


Following the first refugee wave in May 2011, refugees from Syria has continued to seek asylum in Turkey. As a result of the open-door policy between 2011 and 2015, Syrians were welcomed by the Turkish government and obtained legal status under temporary protection. Subsequently, Turkey is hosting more...


Analyse des dynamiques sociales et des pouvoirs des parties prenantes pour la mise en place de Transferts Monétaires à Usage Multiple (TMUM) pluriannuels au Nord Mali


Six ONG internationales (Action contre la Faim, Danish Refugee Council, Handicap International, International Rescue Committee, Oxfam et Solidarités International) ont mis en place un programme de transferts monétaires à usage multiple au Mali ; la deuxième phase de cette intervention de filets...


Are there gendered impacts to multi-purpose cash transfers intended to build resilience? – Brief (Arabic)


The brief from the full report “The Gendered Dimension of Multi-Purpose Cash Supporting Disaster Resilience” in Arabic. This brief is extracting the specific gendered findings from a study on the impact of an EU funded project that used a “Cash Plus” approach, combining ten monthly multi-purpose...


Improving the Coordination of Humanitarian Cash Transfers – a Fool’s Errand?


Master’s thesis – NOHA Master’s in International Humanitarian Action. This thesis evaluates the extent to which attempts to improve the coordination of multi-purpose cash transfers (MPCTs) in humanitarian contexts can succeed. The first part of the paper focusses on outlining the existing...


Harmonising registrations and identification in emergencies in Somalia


The study reveals that the collection of registration and identification data in Somalia is governed mainly by policies, guidelines and standard operating procedures developed by humanitarian agencies. Before collecting registration data, most humanitarian agencies select recipients through a two-step...


Le ciblage dans les systèmes de protection sociale : étude comparative sur deux méthodes


Les filets sociaux sont en train de devenir un instrument clé des politiques visant une réduction de la pauvreté en Afrique sub-saharienne et constituent un élément de base des systèmes de protection sociale qui incluent la protection sociale adaptative. Les systèmes de protection sociale visent à...


Multipurpose Cash Outcome Indicators – Final Draft for Testing

Guidelines and Tools

Note that the MPC indicators have now been revised. Please click here  to access the updated Multipurpose Outcome Indicators and Guidance, which is available in Arabic, English, French and Spanish.        Multipurpose Cash Outcome Indicators – Final Draft for Testing Multipurpose cash (MPC) is a...