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نتائج 81 من 100 – 727

Acta de Reunión Regional de Líderes de Grupos de PTM en respecto a COVID-19

Guía y herramientas

17 أغسطس 2020

PTM en el Caribe: Matriz de evidencias

Guía y herramientas

Esta hoja de cálculo, un recurso complementario a Vientos de Cambio: Lecciones y recomendaciones sobre el uso de los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias (PTM) para la Temporada de Huracanes del Atlántico en el Caribe, ofrece una visión general de los estudios sobre el uso de PTM en el Caribe entre...

30 يوليو 2020

CVA in the Caribbean: Evidence Matrix

Guidelines and Tools

This spreadsheet, a supplementary resource to the Winds of Change: Lessons and Recommendations on the Use of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) for the Caribbean Atlantic Hurricane Season, provides an overview of studies on the use of CVA in the Caribbean between 2008 – 2019. The list is not...

30 يوليو 2020

Introduction à la Programmation Basée sur les Marchés dans les Interventions Humanitaires en Wash

Guides et outils

En mai-juin 2020, PRO-WASH, le Global WASH Cluster et le CALP Network ont co-organisé une série de webinaires sur l’introduction à la programmation basée sur les marchés (MBP) dans les interventions humanitaires en WASH. Les enregistrements et présentations PowerPoint de cette série...

22 يوليو 2020

Introducción a la Programación Basada en Mercados para el Sector de Agua, Saneamiento e Higiene

Guía y herramientas

En mayo-junio de 2020, PRO-WASH, el clúster WASH (agua, saneamiento e higiene) y la CALP Network organizaron una serie de seminarios virtuales sobre la Introducción a la Programación Basada en Mercados (MBP, por sus siglas en inglés) para el sector de agua, saneamiento e higiene. Las grabaciones y...

20 يوليو 2020

Readiness Checklist for Cash Working Groups in light of COVID-19 Response – Version 2

Guidelines and Tools

This checklist is designed to assist CWGs adjust their plans and prepare to play an enhanced role in coordination of CVA in the context of increasing (and in some cases unprecedented) needs and limitations of COVID-19. Responses should, as ever, be context specific. We suggest that CWGs consider the...

19 مايو 2020

Note de plaidoyer sur les impacts immédiats de la crise du COVID19 sur la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle des pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre


May 2020

Guia Grupo Focal de Discusión – Comprensión de la Canasta Básica en Ecuador

Guía y herramientas

Como parte de la coordinación para la implementación de programas de transferencia en efectivo, el Grupo de Trabajo de Programas de Transferencia Monetaria (GT PTM) ha creado un grupo temático para analizar los valores de transferencia. Una de las herramientas para diseñar el valor de la transferencia...

6 أبريل 2020

Looking into 2020: short overview on global clusters, CVA and the CALP Network


Overview as 2020 begins: • Significant progress and commitment from all global clusters on integration of CVA into their work.
• Significant interest in different regions and by some donors on sector-specific CVA.
• Challenges that remain:            o Dialogue: 1) Ensuring CVA specialists...

30 مارس 2020

Cash Working Group Leads Meeting Report – March 2020


The Cash Working Group leads/co-leads meeting is a forum intended to provide a space for reflection, peer learning and developing solutions to shared challenges. This year’s meeting agenda and content were guided by requests from and contributions by participants. This report summarizes the discussions...

March 2020

Norma Mínima para el Análisis de Mercado

Guía y herramientas

El objetivo de la MISMA es, por lo tanto, guiar el trabajo de los profesionales humanitarios en todos los sectores y garantizar que, independientemente de la herramienta utilizada, se cumpla la norma clave del análisis de mercado. Al apoyar el análisis de mercado de alta calidad, la MISMA busca...

10 فبراير 2020

Cash Transfer Programme Participatory Consultation, Feasibility and Market Readiness Study: Burmese refugee camps, Thailand border


Somalia Cash Working Group (CWG) 3W

Guidelines and Tools

Spreadsheet for tracking activities undertaken by the Somali Cash Working Group partners


Piecing Together the Poverty Puzzle


Five years ago, the World Bank Group set two overarching goals: to end extreme poverty by 2030, and to promote shared prosperity by boosting the incomes of the bottom 40 percent of the population in each country.
As this year’s Poverty and Shared Prosperity report documents, the world continues to make...

December 2019

How Cash-Based Approaches affect Nutrition Outcomes: Case Studies from World Vision cash programmes in Bangladesh and South Sudan


Case studies South Sudan & Bangladesh – analysis of how different modalities meet their basic needs with flexibility and dignity, esp. contributing to improved nutrition outcomes. Factors such as spending patterns, availability of nutritious food in markets, dietary changes & coping strategies, transfer...

June 2019

How Cash-Based Approaches Affect Nutrition Outcomes – Guidence Note

Guidelines and Tools

Based on the case studies from South Sudan and Bangladesh, this summary guidance provides advise on use of CVA for improved nutrition outcomes in vulnerable children, emphasising recommendations to ensure that:
– as part of design and targeting, there is improved consideration of nutrition needs in MEB...

June 2019