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نتائج 81 من 100 – 450

Minimum Expenditure Basket Harmonization Guidance

Guidelines and Tools

The present Minimum Expenditure (MEB) Guidance is an operational tool for the Refugee Response to inform humanitarian multi sector and/or multipurpose cash assistance to meet food needs and a broader set of essential needs of refugees in Uganda.


Syria Quarterly Humanitarian Response (Q1 January to March 2019)


Summary of the humanitarian aid delivered to beneficiaries in Syria during Q1 2019


Beyond Basic Needs: Using Cash and Voucher Assistance to Support the Transition from Basic Survival to Livelihoods Recovery in a Resource-Strapped World

Guidelines and Tools

Do you think of yourself as a “cash” person OR as a “livelihoods” person? An “emergency” practitioner OR a “recovery” practitioner? Or do you find yourself unsatisfied with the often narrow implications of these terms? We’ll never have enough funding to provide basic needs support to...


Reflections and recommendations from evaluations of the 2017 CVA Somalia Drought Response


Improving our response to drought to avert crises through the use of cash and voucher assistance requires us to build on experience. This paper pulls together reflections and recommendations from a review of eight evaluation reports, reviews and studies that were conducted during or after the 2017 drought...


Are there gendered impacts to multi-purpose cash transfers intended to build resilience?


Brief from full report “The Gendered Dimension of Multi-Purpose Cash Supporting Disaster Resilience” extracting the specific gendered findings from a study on the impact of an EU funded project that used a “Cash Plus” approach, combining ten monthly multi-purpose cash (MPC) transfers with the...


Vanuatu Cash Transfer Feasibility Assessment


Oxfam conducted this Vanuatu Cash Transfer Feasibility Assessment in partnership with Youth Challenge Vanuatu, Department of Agriculture & Rural Development, and the Vanuatu National Statistics Office with funding from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) through the Australian...


Consulta sobre Asistencia en Efectivo y Cupones a las Principales ONG Españolas Financiadas por la AECID


Este informe resume los resultados obtenidos de un estudio de las prácticas de programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) de ocho ONG españolas en el ámbito de la asistencia humanitaria.


Vanuatu Cash Transfer Feasibility Assessment – Report summary


This is a summary of the findings of the Vanuatu Cash Transfer Program (CTP) Feasibility Assessment that was conducted to build a context-specific evidence base to guide preparedness initiatives related to the use of cash and vouchers as a means of humanitarian assistance for response, recovery and...


The Gendered Dimension of Multi-Purpose Cash Supporting Disaster Resilience


In 2017, in response to the mounting humanitarian crisis in Yemen, CARE Yemen and Action Contra la Faim (ACF) implemented a cash transfer program and community asset rehabilitation and skill building programing in the governorates of Abyan and Amran. This European Union (EU)-funded program integrated...


Analysis of social and power dynamics of stakeholders for the implementation of multi-year MultiPurpose Cash Transfers in North Mali


Six INGOs (Hunger Against Action, Danish Refugee Council, Handicap International, Oxfam, Solidarités International and International Rescue Committee) have been implementing a MultiPurpose Cash Transfers programme in Mali; the second phase of this social safety net intervention targets the communes the...


Introductory Research on the Feasibility of Cash and Voucher Assistance in Rural Fiji


This report presents the findings of a study into the general feasibility of using Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in responding to disasters in Fiji. The term “Cash and Voucher Assistance” or CVA, is used in the report in line with the the CALP Network definition, so it refers to programs where...


Harmonising registrations and identification in emergencies in Somalia


The study reveals that the collection of registration and identification data in Somalia is governed mainly by policies, guidelines and standard operating procedures developed by humanitarian agencies. Before collecting registration data, most humanitarian agencies select recipients through a two-step...


Harmonising registrations and identification in emergencies in Somalia – Briefing


This briefing highlights the benefits, risks and challenges associated with establishing an integrated data system for cash transfer programming (CTP), based on the findings of a study that examined how different humanitarian agencies in Somalia are managing the collection, analysis and sharing of...


Are there gendered impacts to multi-purpose cash transfers intended to build resilience? – Brief (Arabic)


The brief from the full report “The Gendered Dimension of Multi-Purpose Cash Supporting Disaster Resilience” in Arabic. This brief is extracting the specific gendered findings from a study on the impact of an EU funded project that used a “Cash Plus” approach, combining ten monthly multi-purpose...


Response Options Analysis Planning Guide

Guidelines and Tools

The inter-sector Response Options Analysis and Planning (ROAP) is a structured decision-making process, which draws from the information generated through a multitude of needs and operational environment assessments. The ROAP gives way to the selection of the most appropriate, operationally feasible and...


MEB Interim guidance document (Kenya)

Guidelines and Tools

The recent years of humanitarian responses in Kenya has seen the use of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) increasingly being adopted in various interventions and across sectors by both the state and Nonstate actors. This is because besides being cost effective, CVA enables recipients of humanitarian...


Healing and Enabling- Stories from Typhoon Mangkhut Response


The response to Typhoon Mangkhut is one of Christian Aid’s purely cash-based response that incorporate a community-led approach in its design and execution. Undertaken with our NGO and community partners, it has been in keeping with Christian Aid’s development principle of working with, and through...


Feasibility Study on Cash Transfer Programming for the Returnees and the Host Communities in Gedeo and West Guji in Ethiopia


This document reveals the outcome of a feasibility study on cash transfer programming targeted for the returnees and the host communities in Gedeo and West Guji Zones. The major objectives of the study were as follows:
1. Understand general cash transfer environment in Ethiopia
2. Validate the needs of...


Analyse des dynamiques sociales et des pouvoirs des parties prenantes pour la mise en place de Transferts Monétaires à Usage Multiple (TMUM) pluriannuels au Nord Mali


Six ONG internationales (Action contre la Faim, Danish Refugee Council, Handicap International, International Rescue Committee, Oxfam et Solidarités International) ont mis en place un programme de transferts monétaires à usage multiple au Mali ; la deuxième phase de cette intervention de filets...