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نتائج 61 من 80 – 86

CASH ON THE MOVE – Adapting Multi-Purpose Cash ‘Plus’ Assistance to support people on the move in Peru


In 2019 and 2020, with the support of USAID´s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (formerly FFP and OFDA), Save the Children implemented
a multi-purpose cash ‘Plus’ program in response to the influx of Venezuelan migrants into Peru. Households that were only transiting through the cities where they...

8 يناير 2021

La asistencia monetaria itinerante “adaptación del programas de asistencia monetaria a migrantes en tránsito”


En 2019 y 2020, con el apoyo de la Oficina de Asistencia Humanitaria de USAID (anteriormente FFP y OFDA), Save the Children implementó un programa de Transferencias Monetarias Multipropósito con Programación
Complementaria en respuesta al gran número de migrantes venezolanos que ingresaban a Perú. A...

8 يناير 2021

Cash and Voucher Assistance – Refugee and Migrant Response for Venezuelans Open Survey


The objective is to promote reflection on the role of CVA in the 2021 Strategic Response Planning process for Refugees and Migrants from Venezuela. The RCWG made available an open survey to capture the opinion of the partners on to what extent systematic integration of CVA as a modality, in the...

October 2020

Las Transferencias Monetarias para la Respuesta de Refugiados y Migrantes de Venezuela – Encuesta a socios


El objetivo es promover la reflexión del rol de las Transferencias Monetarias en el proceso de Planificación Estratégica de Respuesta para Refugiados y Migrantes de Venezuela 2021. El GTM regional puso a disposición una encuesta abierta para captar la opinión de los socios en cuánto la...

October 2020

The Provision of Cash and Voucher Assistance in the Response to the Venezuela Refugee and Migrant Crisis: Findings and lessons learned – Main report


This study, for which data was compiled between March and April 2020, seeks to document lessons and good practices in the delivery of CVA in Ecuador and Colombia by humanitarian organisations and governments, in response to migrants and refugees from Venezuela. The purpose of this analysis is...

4 سبتمبر 2020

Displaced & Disconnected – Connectivity for Refugees


UNHCR recognizes that one of the ‘hard stops’ in facilitating mobile connectivity and access to finance for displaced populations is non-conducive regulatory environments. In particular, ID-related legal requirements have proven a significant barrier to access. For example, a refugee who cannot...


Greece Cash Alliance: Building an Evidence Base on Operational Models for the Delivery Of CTP


The primary aim of this case study is to map out aspects of the Greece Cash Alliance (GCA) operational model influencing key drivers of quality (effectiveness, efficiency and accountability) in the delivery of multipurpose cash grants (MPGs). The GCA was launched in April 2017 with funding from ECHO, in...

March 2018

Landscape Report: Mobile Money, Humanitarian Cash Transfers and Displaced Populations


Over the past decade, natural disasters and complex emergencies have led to a sharp increase in the need for humanitarian assistance. By the end of 2015, an estimated 65.3 million people were forcibly displaced globally, due to conflict and persecution. That same year, natural disasters caused the...


The Financial Journey of Refugees Full Report


This document details how refugees and migrants from the Middle East, South and Central Asia and East, West and North Africa finance their journeys and manage money along the way.