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نتائج 541 من 560 – 753

Document de travail 2: Étude de cas du Mali. Document préparatoire

Guides et outils

Le présent document vise à fournir un état des lieux des connaissances et des questionnements sur ces questions dans le contexte spécifique du Mali. Il a été écrit sur la base d’une revue documentaire couplée à des échanges menés avec différentes parties prenantes par email et Skype et/ou en...


ELAN Workshop Report: E-Transfers in Iraq and Syria


This report outlines the main conclusions and takeways of ELAN workshop held in Iraq. The event was organized to meet the following objectives: Introduce participants to the what, why, and when of e-transfers. Explore solutions to the particular challenges of using e-transfers in Iraq and Syria. Share...


ELAN Mobile Money Workshop Report


The Electronic Cash Transfer Learning Action Network (ELAN) hosted two mobile money workshops in January 2016 in Dakar (Senegal) and in Gisenyi (Rwanda). The workshops were attended by 52 individuals from seven countries across West Africa and the Great Lakes region representing 16...


UNHCR Cash Assistance: Improving refugees lives and supporting local economies


UNHCR’s Cash-Based Interventions (CBI) support the most vulnerable Syrian refugees living within the host community in Jordan. Thanks to generous donor support last year, over 30,000 households received monthly cash assistance, winterisation cash, and cash for health, totalling nearly US $ 85 million....


Les modèles de coordination des transferts monétaires en Afrique de l’Ouest: Mali et Mauritanie


Depuis sa création, le CALP Network est engagé dans le soutien à la coordination des acteurs de transferts monétaires. A travers des ateliers d’apprentissage dédiés à ce thème, organisés en 2012 et 2015 à Genève, et la création de nombreux outils et études sur le sujet, le CALP Network a...


Outil d’analyse des risques et bénéfices en matière de protection

Guides et outils

Outil d’analyse des risques et bénéfices en matière de protection.


Giving Better: Lessons from Cash Grants for Syrian Refugees in Lebanon


Cash grants to the poor have proven to be an effective form of aid for reducing poverty. Direct cash assistance is inexpensive to administer and allows recipients to buy what they want and need, rather than what experts think they need. Recent research shows that cash grants also work well for assisting...


Cash Transfers in Humanitarian Contexts


Upon request of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Principals at their meeting on December 11, 2015, the World Bank agreed to coordinate a process of reviewing key issues and options for significantly scaling up the use of multipurpose cash transfers (MPCTs; including digital cash and vouchers) in...


Post Distribution Monitoring Report: Cash Based Interventions in Lebanon (Jan-March 2016)


This post-monitoring report relies on several quantitative and qualitative approaches to evaluate the process, performance and impact of the cash based interventions (CBI) undertaken between January and March 2016, contrasting these with the results obtained in the post-distribution monitoring report...


Uganda’s Senior Citizens’ Grant: A success story from the heart of Africa


Since 2011, a pilot universal old age pension – known as the Senior Citizens’ Grant (SCG) – has been implemented in Uganda. By 2016, there were 125,000 beneficiaries. A number of studies have demonstrated that the scheme has had significant benefits. Despite the general economic situation worsening...


Les transferts monétaires et la programmation à distance en situation d’urgence

Guides et outils

Dans des situations d’urgence où les acteurs humanitaires rencontrent de grandes difficultés d’accès, l’utilisation de programmes de transferts monétaires (PTM ou CPT en anglais pour Cash Transfer Programmes) présente un fort potentiel pour aider à fournir un soutien vital aux personnes les...


Manual de uso para la herramienta para la evaluación de la capacidad organizativa

Guía y herramientas

Gracias a la creciente evidencia del impacto de los programas que integran transferencias de efectivo, cada vez más organizaciones, donantes y Gobiernos se están interesando por su utilización en crisis humanitarias. Numerosas organizaciones están planteándose el uso de esos programas por...


The Other Side of the Coin. The comparative evidence of Cash and in kind transfers in humanitarian situations


This paper reviews the existing evidence on the performance of alternative transfer modalities across humanitarian sectors, including cash transfers, vouchers,and in-kind assistance (food and non-food). These were assessed in relation to food security, nutrition, livelihoods, health, education, and...


Evaluation of the Kenya Hunger Safety Net Programme Phase 2


The report summaries key findings from Hunger Safety Net Programme Phase 2 Qualitative impact study conducted in August 2016. The report integrates interesting infographics that depict the findings in an easy to read and understand format


Testing new ground. Multisector cash interventions in Mangaize refugee camp Niger


In the midst of the Mali refugee crisis in Niger, UNHCR implemented one of the first multisector cash transfer projects in Mangaize refugee camp in 2015, providing refugees with grants covering non-food items, hygiene, shelter and livelihood needs. The cash project came on the heels of a successful food...


The Impact of Earned and Windfall Cash Transfers on Livelihoods and Conservation in Sierra Leone


This study by Bulte et al. measures the impact of a cash transfer programme aimed at alleviating poverty and reducing pressure on the natural environment in Sierra Leone. Researchers offered aid to 91 rural communities, which are dependent on slash-and-burn agriculture in three forms: as windfall...


Guide pour la protection dans le cadre des interventions monétaires

Guides et outils

Ce guide identifie les informations minimum nécessaires et les ressources clés visant à aider les professionnels de l’humanitaire à s’assurer que les risques et les bénéfices en matière de protection soient pris en compte et fassent l’objet d’un suivi tout au long du cycle d’un...


Impact Evaluation of the Multipurpose Cash Assistance Programme


The Syrian crisis is currently in its sixth year, with over one million Syrians still living in Lebanon as refugees. Nearly 60% of all financial resources pledged by UN agencies and INGOs were to secure basic assistance for Syrian refugees, mainly to support them in meeting food and healthcare needs. In...