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نتائج 521 من 540 – 702

Cash Transfers in Humanitarian Contexts


Upon request of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Principals at their meeting on December 11, 2015, the World Bank agreed to coordinate a process of reviewing key issues and options for significantly scaling up the use of multipurpose cash transfers (MPCTs; including digital cash and vouchers) in...


Scaling up Cash-Based Assistance with ECHO: Common principles for multi-purpose cash-based assistance

Blog Post

In June 2015, the Council of Europe adopted 10 common principles for Multi-Purpose Cash-Based Assistance. While only a small percentage of humanitarian assistance is currently cash-based, the common principles are paving the way for greater advocacy with other donors and partners, as well as in view of...

7 سبتمبر 2015

New the CALP Network Online Training Course: “E-Transfers and operationalizing beneficiary data protection”

Blog Post

With the increase in the use of electronic transfers (e-transfers) in the humanitarian sector, concerns regarding information management of beneficiaries’ data have risen among humanitarian agencies. Although there are principles and operational standards that provide a framework for the protection of...

3 سبتمبر 2015

The role of Cash Working Group Coordinator: Focus on Bangladesh

Blog Post

Multiple country cash working groups have emerged the past years to encourage the coordination of cash transfers across sectors. Eun Jung Yi, Coordinator of the Bangladesh Cash Working Group, presents some of the key achievements of the group within its first 12 months of existence.

3 سبتمبر 2015

New Publication: “MARKit: Price monitoring, analysis and response kit”

Blog Post

The Local Regional Procurement (LRP) Learning Alliance has launched a new publication “MARKit : Price monitoring , analysis and response kit” aimed to guide food assistance practitioners through the steps to monitor markets during the implementation of food assistance programs, and to ensure that...

24 أغسطس 2015

Protection in Cash Based Interventions – Interviews with Richard Nunn and Lou Lasap

Blog Post

As part of an ECHO-funded Enhanced Response Capacity grant, UNHCR in partnership with WFP, Oxfam GB and the Cash Learning Partnership held an inter-agency workshop on cash and protection in Nairobi on the 10-12th March. The workshop brought together cash and protection practitioners to reflect upon...

17 يونيو 2015

Safe Cash Distribution in Liberia


Delivering cash to crises affected populations is much more than about meeting their ‘physical needs’. It is also about seeing the human being in its fullness and ensuring that the assistance preserves their Safety, Dignity and Integrity. We ensure that cash delivery does not increase the risks faced...

June 2015

The Design and Management of Cash Transfer Programmes: An Overview

Policy paper

This paper describes and explains the operations of cash transfer schemes, outlining good practice in the design processes required to operationalize policy-level design principles. It describes the four key components comprising the administrative structure of most cash transfer programmes and, based on...

10 أبريل 2015

Les programmes de transfert monétaire sont-ils prêts pour l’avenir? – Annexe 6 : Le financement des programmes de transfert monétaire


Les fonds disponibles pour les programmes intégrant des transferts monétaires ont augmenté ces dernières années, et de nouvelles sources et voies de financement deviennent disponibles. Dans ce contexte de financement croissant, ce document étudie à la fois le financement bilatéral au profit de ces...

6 يناير 2015

Les programmes de transfert monétaire sont-ils prêts pour l’avenir ? Ensemble d’annexes du rapport final


Cet ensemble d’annexes contient l’intégralité des résultats obtenus au cours d’un travail de recherche de 2013 intitulé Les programmes de transfert monétaire sont-ils prêts pour l’avenir ? Cette recherche a été commandée par le CALP Network et menée par le Humanitarian Futures...


Coordination des TM en Afrique de l’Ouest


The global le CALP Network team consists of a global secretariat composed of technical and management staff mainly based out of the UK, with an Advocacy Position in process to be established in Geneva, and Regional Teams, led buy Regional Focal Points in East Africa, West Africa, Asia and recently North...


A Review of Evidence of Humanitarian Cash Transfer Programming in Urban Areas


Urban poor populations frequently experience disasters of varying typology and intensity. When set against a backdrop of poverty and marginalisation, their needs can be complex. As recent urban crises have pushed humanitarian agencies to respond in urban areas, this literature review examines the...


Review of Cash Coordination in Ukraine


Ukraine is a lower middle-income country in Eastern Europe, with a strong soviet era legacy in the field of social protection. Since early 2014, Ukraine has been affected by conflict in its eastern part, which led to the internal displacement of more than 1.4 million people. At the time this paper was


Guide de mise en œuvre d’e-transfert

Guides et outils

Le Guide de mise en œuvre d’e-transfert a été créé pour les membres de l’équipe de Mercy Corps qui envisagent d’utiliser – ou qui utilisent déjà – les e-transferts pour apporter l’aide aux participants au programme. Les chapitres 1 et 2 donnent un aperçu des étapes nécessaires à...


Are Public Works Programmes Effective in Reinforcing Social Protection Systems? Evidence from Northern Namibia


This paper analyses the effectiveness of public works programmes (PWPs) in creating employment, reducing poverty and reinforcing the existing social protection system in Namibia. Using data and information from a survey conducted in northern Namibia, it is established that while public works programmes...


Evaluation of the OneCard Pilot in Lebanon


The OneCard pilot is part of the WFP-UNHCR Joint Plan of Action for Cash and Vouchers (2014), which aims to implement cash and vouchers using common e-delivery mechanisms. The objectives of the OneCard pilot were: To test the programmatic, technical, and financial efficiency and feasibility of the...


A case for cash: crisis and disaster-affected populations’ perspective


As the number, scale and duration of humanitarian crises increase, the provision of cash to affected people and communities presents a number of opportunities for more effective and efficient programming. The means by which such opportunities can be maximised is a source of ongoing debate involving a wide...


Orientations opérationnelles et boîte à outils pour les transferts monétaires à usages multiples

Guides et outils

Les présentes orientations opérationnelles et la boîte à outils qui l’accompagne réunissent une expertise mondiale sur les interventions monétaires. Elles apportent aux acteurs humanitaires des orientations complètes et pratiques afin d’évaluer la faisabilité des transferts monétaires,...


Coordination des Transferts Monétaires aux Philippines: Examen des enseignements tirés lors des interventions d’urgence suite au Super Typhon Haiyan


Les cinq dernières années ont été marquées par la tendance au recours accru aux transferts monétaires comme modalité d’interventions en situations d’urgence dans l’ensemble du secteur humanitaire. La fongibilité des transferts monétaires, dès lors qu’ils sont effectués sans restriction,...