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نتائج 501 من 520 – 728

Atelier sur les systèmes de Suivi & Evaluation des programmes d’assistance monétaire


Les principes du suivi et de l’évaluation sont les mêmes pour les transferts monétaires que pour les autres types de
projets, et il convient de respecter les pratiques d’usage. Certaines questions sont toutefois spécifiques aux transferts monétaires. L’une des principales caractéristiques de...


Food Analysis Integrity Study: Review of the 2011 drought response in Kenya


Using four case studies from the 2011 drought response in Kenya, the Food Assistance Integrity Study by Transparency International Kenya analyses the impact of diversion and corruption on different types of food assistance. The study aims to enhance the accountability, efficiency and cost effectiveness of...


Impact Evaluation of Cash and Food Transfers at Early Childhood Development Centers in Karamoja, Uganda


This report is a revised draft of the Final Impact Report of an impact evaluation study of the World Food Programme (WFP) project to provide food and cash transfers to households with children participating in Early Childhood Development (ECD) centers in the Karamoja sub region of Uganda. The analysis...


Enhancing Nutrition: A New Tool for Ex-Ante Comparison of Commodity-based Vouchers and Food Transfers


Traditionally, programs with nutrition objectives have relied on in kind (or direct) food transfers. More recently, both cash and vouchers have been increasingly used in a wide variety of food assistance programs. While having additional options in terms of transfer modality is certainly an advantage,...


Women’s Empowerment and Nutrition: An Evidence Review


This paper starts by reflecting on the concept and measurement of women’s empowerment and then reviews some of the structural interventions that aim to influence underlying gender norms in society and eradicate gender discrimination. It then proceeds to review the evidence of the impact of three types...


An Innovative way of Humanitarian Assistance using Mobile Money Transfer in Bangladesh


A video detailing Oxfam’s use of mobile money transfer in Bangladesh.


Enseignements Tirés du Programme Cash Voucher au Camp de Réfugiés de Mangaïze


L’atelier régional sur les enseignement tirés du projet cash voucher au camp de réfugiés de Mangaize s’est tenu du 11 au 12 septembre à Niamey et le 13 septembre à  Mangaize, au Niger. L’atelier a réuni 53 participants représentant 18 organisations collaborant avec le UNHCR et/ou le PAM au...


Guidance for DFID country offices on measuring and maximising value for money in cash transfer programmes

Guidelines and Tools

This document is a revised edition of Guidance for DFID country offices on measuring and maximising value for money in cash transfer programmes which DFID published in October 2011. The guidance is in two linked parts:
1. Part 1 provides a toolkit which sets out key concepts and metrics for analysing...


Shifting Food Assistance in Kenya to E-Payments


The shift away from in-kind aid as the preferred mechanism for humanitarian assistance has contributed to the rise of cash transfers in Kenya. In 2008, the World Food Programme (WFP) for the first time shifted strategically from a food aid to a food assistance strategy, recognizing new and diverse ways in...


Fiche de partage d’expérience des PTM – Capitalisation Niger, 2013


Fiche de capitalisation sur un projet de cash for work et transfert inconditionnel, mis en oeuvre par ACTED au Niger, en réponse aux inondations survenue pendant la période de soudure 2012. Cette fiche présente le contexte, les détails de mise en oeuvre du projet ainsi que les leçons apprises et...


E-Payments in Uganda with Limited Infrastructure


The 2005 Uganda Chronic Poverty Report argued that households in chronic poverty show a range of deficits that include deficient consumption and malnutrition, limited access to health and education, and limited voice and influence. For many of these households social exclusion reinforces their...


World Food Programme Afghanistan: Effectiveness study


This document presents the findings of a comparative cost effectiveness analysis of four WFP hunger reduction activities. It can be seen as a follow up on the Country Portfolio Evaluation 2012. This study has been conducted using the existing WFP operational costing data and assessing costs benefits...


Evaluation Study Support to Life’s Response to Syrian Refugee Crisis, 2012 & 2013


This report is part of enhancing Support to Life’s organisational learning on its Syrian Refugee Programme in Turkey. The specific objective of the evaluation is to present the findings on the achievements, quality and overall impact of Support to Life’s humanitarian response of the Syrian refugee...


Etude des effets des transferts monétaires, Projet TES – République Islamique de Mauritanie


Le projet intitulé Transfert Economiques et Sociaux (TES) s’inscrit dans un objectif d’expérimentation à l’interface entre urgence et aide au développement. D’une durée de 24 mois, il a démarré opérationnellement en août 2011 et pris fin en juillet 2013. Il avait pour objectif général...