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نتائج 421 من 440 – 728

The Price Effects of Cash Versus In-Kind Transfers


This paper examines the effect of cash versus in-kind transfers on local prices. Both types of transfers increase the demand for normal goods; in-kind transfers also increase supply in recipient communities, which should cause prices to fall relative to cash transfers. We test and confirm this prediction...


Economic Impact Study: Direct and Indirect Effects of the WFP Value-Based Food Voucher Programme in Lebanon


This study examines the direct and indirect impacts of WFP’s e-card programme on the Lebanese economy. It is part of a broader United Nations initiative to assess the economic impacts of humanitarian assistance in Lebanon. The e-card programme is an important element of the international humanitarian...


Les transferts sociaux pour la sécurité alimentaire nutritionnelle dans le Sahel – Rapport de synthèse


« Comment assurer la mise en place, l’efficacité, la couverture et la viabilité de programmes nationaux de transferts sociaux pour la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle dans le Sahel ? » Cette question était au coeur du séminaire régional organisé à l’initiative de la...


Cross-Sector Cash Assistance for Syrian Refugees and Host Communities in Lebanon: An IRC Programme


Since January 2013, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) has been implementing a project providing humanitarian assistance to the Syrian refugees in Lebanon. This project provided unconditional financial assistance to targeted Syrian refugees and Lebanese host households to help them be better...


Household Response to Income Changes: Evidence from an unconditional cash transfer program in Kenya


This paper studies the response of poor rural households in rural Kenya to large temporary income changes. Using a randomized controlled trial, households were randomly assigned to receive unconditional cash transfers of at least USD 404 from the NGO GiveDirectly. We designed the experiment to address...


Etude de faisabilité pour un programme de transferts sociaux monétaires comme instrument majeur d’une protection sociale centrée sur l’enfant au sénégal


Les subventions et autres mesures politiques adoptées par le gouvernement en 2007 pour protéger les pauvres des effets néfastes induits par le prix élevé des denrées alimentaires et du carburant se sont révélées très onéreuses et pourtant inefficaces pour atteindre les plus pauvres. La...


Étude de programme de transfert monétairs dans la Région Sahel


La Welthungerhilfe, ayant déjà une expérience considérable dans la mise en ouvre de programmes d’« Argent contre Travail », a lancé depuis l’année 2011, ses premiers programmes dans la région du Sahel de « transferts monétaires inconditionnels » et transfert à travers « Coupons...


Key Recommendations for Disaster Risk Reduction Mainstreaming into Post Disaster Emergency Response in the North Western Part of Bangladesh

Policy paper

From December 2012 to July 2013, three NGOs from the National Alliance for Risk Reduction and Response Initiatives consortium (Solidarités International, Islamic Relief and Oxfam) implemented a Food Security response after flash floods that occurred in the North Western districts of Bangladesh. The...


Research to Identify the Optimal Operational Set-up for Multi-Actor Provision of Unconditional Cash Grants to Syrian Refugees in Lebanon: Final report and recommendation


This report contains the findings and recommendations from a 30 day research project commissioned by the cash working group (CWG) based in Lebanon, and more specifically the team tasked with the operational set-up. The Avenir research project team was engaged to identify the optimal operational set-up for...


Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards: Second Edition

Guidelines and Tools

Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) is a set of international guidelines and standards for designing, implementing, and evaluating livestock interventions to help people affected by humanitarian crises. LEGS is based on three livelihoods objectives: to provide rapid assistance, to protect...


Étude de cas du CALP Network – Soutien au relèvement économique des foyers urbains dans la ville de Karoi, au Zimbabwe


Dans la zone urbaine de Karoi, au Zimbabwe, Save the Children a allié des programmes d’argent contre travail au soutien des moyens de subsistance pour répondre aux besoins alimentaires immédiats et soutenir le relèvement économique des familles en situation de pauvreté. Le projet a utilisé des...


The CALP Network case study – Unconditional cash transfers to reduce food insecurity for displaced households and assist in the repatriation of people to their villages of origin – Niger


In 2012, Niger was affected by a food crisis that caused large population displacements. The NGO Arbeiter- Samariter-Bund Deutschland e.V. (ASB) distributed unconditional cash transfers in areas of food insecurity to improve food access for those displaced and those affected, and to help repatriate...


Community Baseline: A Survey On Resilience In South Central Somalia


A comprehensive understanding of the socio-economic and environmental context of intervention is essential to the success of any resilience-building program. Based on this premise, the BRCiS has taken a series of steps to strengthen its knowledge and understanding of key variables and dynamics in its...


Cash Transfer Programming Infographic – OCHA


OCHA (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) in the Philippines has produced a helpful infographic explaining the role of cash transfer programming in the Philippines Typhoon Haiyan response. The infographic explores several aspects of cash transfer programming, and examines the several...


Cash and Vouchers Manual – Second edition

Guidelines and Tools

This second edition of the Cash and Vouchers Manual captures the latest corporately endorsed business processes and procedures, providing the most up-to-date tools (i.e. analytical, assessment, monitoring) that have been developed through close intra-departmental collaboration between Headquarters...


Les transferts sociaux dans la lutte contre la faim – Un instrument de référence pour les praticiens du développement


Le document de référence a été écrit en premier lieu pour les praticiens du développement et les administrateurs de l’aide opérant au sein des délégations de l’Union européenne et des bureaux pays des États membres. Il a pour but de fournir des connaissances de base — terminologie et...


Social transfers in the fight against hunger – A resource for development practitioners


A European Commission Reference Document aims to deepen the understanding of a concept, develop knowledge, provide orientations for aid implementation, and present good practices. This Reference Document is intended as a resource to support the practical integration of social transfers into programmes...


DRC Cash and Vouchers Food Security Evaluation (2014)


People in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have long faced protracted conflict and instability resulting in the displacement of populations. In order to provide households affected by new displacements with timely access to food, ECHO funded the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), the Association...


Community Baseline: A Survey On Resilience In South Central Somalia Summary


A comprehensive understanding of the socio-economic and environmental context of intervention is essential to the success of any resilience-building program. Based on this premise, the BRCiS has taken a series of steps to strengthen its knowledge and understanding of key variables and dynamics in its...