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نتائج 341 من 360 – 753

Multipurpose Cash Grants (ERC consortium) Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Guidelines and Tools

The purpose of this document is to provide a road map of the essential components when assessing, designing, implementing and monitoring multipurpose cash grant (MPG) programmes. The Assessment and Response Option Analysis and Planning (ROAP) phases encompass the Basic Needs Approach as the key starting...

April 2018

My Needs, Our Future


Since the beginning of the 2017-2018 school year in Jordan, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Child Cash Grant (CCG) launched its new phase, an equity-driven, integrated social protection programme for all children in Jordan called Hajati, or ‘my need’ in Arabic. The new programme built on...

March 2018

Greece Cash Alliance: Building an Evidence Base on Operational Models for the Delivery Of CTP


The primary aim of this case study is to map out aspects of the Greece Cash Alliance (GCA) operational model influencing key drivers of quality (effectiveness, efficiency and accountability) in the delivery of multipurpose cash grants (MPGs). The GCA was launched in April 2017 with funding from ECHO, in...

March 2018

Nigeria Cash Working Group (CWG) Inter-Sector Working Group (ISWG) Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) Presentation, March 2018


Presentation to the Inter-Sector Working Group (ISWG) advocating for the use of Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) in the response in Borno state, north-east Nigeria

March 2018

Emergency Response Capacity (ERC) Consortium – Nigeria: Building an evidence base on operational models for the delivery of CTP


This case study aims to review and map out how aspects of the Enhanced Response Capacity (ERC) consortium model have influenced key drivers of quality (effectiveness, efficiency and accountability) in the consortium’s Nigeria pilot. Formed at the global level in 2015, the ERC Consortium is comprised of...

March 2018

Humanitarian Cash Transfers and Financial Inclusion


A case study on Kenya Red Cross Humanitarian Cash Transfers and Financial Inclusion along the Kenyan Coast. The study examines the extent to which humanitarian e-transfer beneficiaries increase their access and use of formal financial services and products such as payments, savings, credit or insurance.

February 2018

Human(itarian) Capital? Lessons on Better Connecting Humanitarian Assistance and Social Protection


Governments in low- and middle-income countries are increasingly investing in social protection, and also address many of their own people’s “humanitarian” needs themselves. For their international partners, who may have an important role in filling gaps when household needs exceed national capacity...


Review of Food for Peace Market-Based Emergency Food Assistance Programs Global Report


Efficient and effective use of humanitarian funds is critical to meet the emergency needs of as many people as possible, especially as emergencies in developing countries have become more numerous, complex, and protracted. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Office of Food for...


The impact of bank de-risking on the humanitarian response to the Syrian crisis


The Syrian crisis is a complex environment for aid agencies wishing to move funds for humanitarian purposes into the country, or through neighbouring states supporting regional humanitarian efforts. The combination of counter-terrorist financing (CTF) legislation and international sanctions have made it...


Vers la prise en charge des besoins alimentaires au Sahel par les transferts monétaires gouvernementaux : l’expérience du Sénégal


Les pays du Sahel se sont tous lancés dans le développement de politiques de filets sociaux en transferts d’espèces pour protéger les ménages les plus vulnérables des chocs saisonniers. Ils font face à des défis similaires de coordination et de ressources pour prendre la main progressivement...


Shock Responsive Social Protection Systems Research: Synthesis Report


This synthesis report consolidates the evidence and lessons learned from the research, drawing on all the case studies and other outputs, including the literature review as well as policy briefs on systems development and monitoring and evaluation. It highlights the key ways in which social protection...


The Role of Cash Transfers in Social Protection, Humanitarian Response and Shock-Responsive Social Protection

Guidelines and Tools

Cash transfers have expanded rapidly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) around the world in the past decade. The contexts in which they are implemented have also diversified; while cash transfers were mostly adopted initially as central elements of social protection systems, they have become...


Review of Food for Peace Market-Based Emergency Food Assistance Programs: Democratic Republic of Congo Case Study Report


The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) case illustrates the complexity and diversity of contexts within which program design and implementation occurs. It highlights the need for provincial-scale assessments, local market monitoring, and flexibility to pivot to different modalities depending on changing...

January 2018

Increasing resilience to natural disasters with cash-based interventions


This report presents recommendations for the ongoing development and improvement of CTP in emergency preparedness and response in Vietnam. It is hoped that these best practices, lessons learned and recommendations will contribute to the wider global discussions on the use and impact of CTP to increase...


Programmes humanitaires intégrant des transferts monétaires et résultats en termes de violences basées sur le genre : données factuelles et priorités des futures recherches


La relation entre le genre et l’assistance monétaire dans les contextes humanitaires
est mal comprise. Les interventions sont bien trop souvent définies à partir de suppositions plutôt que de faits réels. Afin de comprendre comment l’assistance monétaire est bénéfique à tous, les acteurs de...


برمجة التحويلات النقدية في السياقات الصعبة: دراسة حالة حول برمجة التحويلات النقدية والمخاطر في اليمن 2015-2018


اليمن من أكثر البلدان ضعفاً في العالم، وقد عانى طويلاً من الفقر وعدم الاستقرار والضعف. النزاع الذي اندلع منذ أواخر عام 2014، وبشكل أكثر تحديداً منذ مارس 2015، ترك 22 مليون...


Child Outcomes of Cash Transfer Programming: Research Brief


Humanitarian emergencies are increasing in both frequency and duration. It is evident that children bear the brunt of these situations and that these experiences have long-lasting effects on their development and future. The figures for the number of children affected by humanitarian emergencies are...