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نتائج 321 من 340 – 728

UNHCR Cash Assistance: Improving refugees lives and supporting local economies


UNHCR’s Cash-Based Interventions (CBI) support the most vulnerable Syrian refugees living within the host community in Jordan. Thanks to generous donor support last year, over 30,000 households received monthly cash assistance, winterisation cash, and cash for health, totalling nearly US $ 85 million....


The Mam’out Project: Seasonal Multiannual Cash Transfers for the Prevention of Acute Malnutrition in Tapoa


In response to alarming rates of acute malnutrition, Action Against Hunger (ACF) initiated a project to strengthen and evaluate the prevention of acute malnutrition of children younger than 36 months in the Tapoa province, Burkina Faso. Using seasonal and multiannual unconditional cash transfers, ACF’s...


Notes d’orientation: les transferts monétaires dans les programmes de moyens d’existence – Amérique Latine


Le présent document ainsi que l’atelier d’apprentissage qui a eu lieu dans la ville de Guatemala les 16 et 17 novembre 2015 considèrent en priorité le contexte d’Amérique Centrale. Etant donné le profil des participants et la complexité de la problématique régionale (zone du «corredor...


Karamoja, Uganda: Enhanced Market Analysis


The Market Fundamentals reports serves as starting points for providing efficient and effective market-based response decision support for both emergency and development programs in Karamoja Region of Uganda. It examines the appropriateness and feasibility of modality response options for the region.


Uganda’s Senior Citizens’ Grant: A success story from the heart of Africa


Since 2011, a pilot universal old age pension – known as the Senior Citizens’ Grant (SCG) – has been implemented in Uganda. By 2016, there were 125,000 beneficiaries. A number of studies have demonstrated that the scheme has had significant benefits. Despite the general economic situation worsening...


Document de travail 3: Protection sociale réactive aux crises dans le Sahel : Perspectives communautaires


Il est le troisième rapport d’une série de documents de travail sur la recherche en cours. Ces différents rapports étudient les possibilités d’interaction entre la protection sociale, l’assistance humanitaire et la gestion des risques de catastrophe (GRC) afin de compléter les connaissances...


Scale Right: Coordinating Improved Cash Assistance in Greece


Europe is still reeling from the largest refugee crisis it has experienced since World War II. During the first half of 2015 Greece saw an average of 3,000 refugees arriving daily by sea onto the island of Lesvos. While the number of new arrivals—fleeing war in Syria, conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan and...


Genre et Marchés en Afrique de l’Ouest: Revue des Données Secondaires


L’examen secondaire de l’information et des données présentées dans cette revue s’applique aux évaluations genre et marchés menées par le PAM en Afrique de l’Ouest et ainsi qu’aux évaluations de marché menées par les partenaires clés de la région au cours des 5 dernières années. La...


Cash/Food. A Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of food assistance modalities in refugee settlements


A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of food and cash assistance modalities for household food security in refugee settlements


The Revival of the “Cash versus Food” Debate: New Evidence for an Old Quandary?


The longstanding “cash versus food” debate has received renewed attention in both research and practice. This paper reviews key issues shaping the debate and presents new evidence from randomized and quasi-experimental evaluations that deliberately compare cash and in-kind food transfers in ten...


The Politics of Cash: A Case Study on Humanitarian Cash Transfers in Ukraine


This case study examines the evolution of cash transfers in the humanitarian response in Ukraine. The use of cash transfers in Ukraine brought out the best and worst aspects of the international humanitarian system. Uncertainty over where cash fits into the humanitarian architecture – and whether...


Cash or Food A Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of food assistance modalities in refugee settlements


A comparative analysis on the effective of food and cash transfer modalities for household food security in refugee settlements in Uganda.


Giving Better: Lessons from Cash Grants for Syrian Refugees in Lebanon


Cash grants to the poor have proven to be an effective form of aid for reducing poverty. Direct cash assistance is inexpensive to administer and allows recipients to buy what they want and need, rather than what experts think they need. Recent research shows that cash grants also work well for assisting...


Why not cash? The case for cash transfers for refugees in Mozambique


There are two areas where cash transfers could play a role in humanitarian assistance in Mozambique: in response to natural disasters and in support of the long-term refugee population. This working paper focuses on refugees. Why not cash? The case for cash transfers for refugees in Mozambique is one of a...


The Other Side of the Coin. The comparative evidence of Cash and in kind transfers in humanitarian situations


This paper reviews the existing evidence on the performance of alternative transfer modalities across humanitarian sectors, including cash transfers, vouchers,and in-kind assistance (food and non-food). These were assessed in relation to food security, nutrition, livelihoods, health, education, and...


Gender and Markets in West Africa – Secondary Data Review


The secondary information and data review presented here covers all gender and markets assessments conducted by WFP in West Africa, and market assessments conducted by key partners in the region over the past 5 years. The quality of the compiled assessments is reviewed to identify data and information...


Impact Evaluation of the Multipurpose Cash Assistance Programme


The Syrian crisis is currently in its sixth year, with over one million Syrians still living in Lebanon as refugees. Nearly 60% of all financial resources pledged by UN agencies and INGOs were to secure basic assistance for Syrian refugees, mainly to support them in meeting food and healthcare needs. In...