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نتائج 221 من 240 – 728

Inter-Agency Joint Cash Study: Market Functionality and Community Perception of Cash Based Assistance – Yemen


Since 2015, conflict in Yemen has left 3 million people displaced and over half of the population food insecure, and has destroyed much of the country’s infrastructure. As of July 2017, much of the population had lost their primary source of income, 46% lacked access to a free improved water source and...

December 2017

More Phones, More Transfers? A case study from Save the Children’s Emergency Food Security Program using Mobile Money in Bari, Nugaal, & Hiran Regions of Somalia


In 2016-2017, with funding from USAID/FFP, Save the Children implemented a project targeting over 10,000HH the Bari, Nugaal, and Hiran regions of Somalia with monthly cash transfers using Mobile Money a partnership with Golis and Hormuud. The project sought to improve the food security situation in the...

November 2017

Market Systems in Libya: Assessment of the Wheat Flour, Insulin, Tomato and Soap Supply Chains


The Market Systems in Libya assessment aims to provide humanitarian organisations with a better understanding of market dynamics in Libya, information on key supply chains and how they have been impacted by ongoing conflict, and the necessary foundation to examine the potential of scaling up market and...

October 2017

Harnessing Digital Technology for Cash Transfer Programming in the Ebola Response. Lessons Learned from USAID/Office of Food for Peace Partners’ West Africa Ebola Responses (2015–2016)


Globally, the adoption of digital technology has grown alongside the increase in cash transfer programming (CTP), often through the use of e-transfers, in part because of the potential gains in accountability, efficiency (cost and time) and effectiveness. The 2015 High Level Panel on Cash Transfers...

September 2017

Final Evaluation of the DiRECT Response Emergency Cash Transfer Programme in Zambia


In the past two years (2015 and 2016), Zambia experienced relatively harsh climatic conditions characterised by disruptive rains and the negative impact of El Nino weather patterns. Districts in the southern and western regions of the country were most affected. Many farmers in the affected regions were...

28 أغسطس 2017

Cash Transfers for Food Security in Epidemics


The report is divided into five chapters. The introduction provides a brief overview of the study’s objectives, data collection methods and a snapshot of the context in Liberia and Sierra Leone. The second chapter describes USAID/FFP’s response to the Ebola crisis with a particular focus on CTP....

June 2017

Supporting markets in emergencies. Scoping study


A review of recent humanitarian interventions that support local markets in emergency contexts revealed a limited scope and breadth of this type of activity. While many agencies show good creativity and understanding of market systems in emergencies, most activities are in the form of small grants to...

May 2017

MEB and Transfer Value Guide

Guidelines and Tools

This document is the harmonized Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) and transfer value of the Libya Cash & Markets WG (CMWG) for April – June 2017 (Q2). Currently the data available is only enough to inform calculations for Libyans (IDPs and host).

29 مارس 2017

Libya Humanitarian Cash Working Group (CWG) Key Messages on Government Payments


The purpose of this document is to address one of the primary concerns of stakeholders prioritising the delivery of cash based interventions in Libya:
The majority of beneficiaries receiving cash assistance are already have other sources of income (government payments in particular) Therefore they do not...

March 2017

Humanitarian Cash Transfers in the Democratic Republic of Congo


The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is at a crossroads with regard to cash transfers. On the one hand, cash has been accepted by most donors and aid agencies as an appropriate response, with solid evidence underpinning its use. Aid agencies have driven important innovations in an environment where...


Partnering with Mobile Network Operators in Zimbabwe to Deliver Cash Transfers


This case study seeks to investigate and document the following: The process of engagement between MNOs and CARE. Clarity of roles between CARE/WVI as implementing agencies and MNOs. Successes and challenges in the partnership between CARE/WVI and the MNOs Measures taken to manage the impact of the...


Shock-Responsive Social Protection Systems Research Case study—Post-Haiyan Cash Transfers in the Philippines


This case study report  focuses specifically on the experiences of using emergency cash transfers following Typhoon Haiyan and considers the wider social protection system, developments since Haiyan and future possibilities for shock-responsive social protection. A summary briefing note is published...


Lessons Learned from large scale cash programming in Lebanon 2014 – 2017


Given the fact that cash is becoming an increasingly used modality in humanitarian
interventions, coupled with the evolution of the funding model for cash assistance in Lebanon, the former LCC agencies find it important to give to cash consortia and cash actors the benefit of the unique experience that...


Electronic Transfers in Humanitarian Assistance and Uptake of Financial Services


The Electronic Cash Transfer Learning Action Network (ELAN) undertook case studies on humanitarian electronic transfer (‘e-transfer’) projects in Ethiopia, Zimbabwe and Bangladesh. The case studies examine the extent to which: recipients used digital financial services (e.g. money transfers, savings,...