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نتائج 221 من 240 – 384

Association entre les transferts monétaires et la protection sociale dans la région MENA


L’association entre les transferts monétaires humanitaires et la protection sociale est devenue un sujet de plus en plus important au cours des cinq dernières années, et la région Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord (MENA) est au coeur même de cette évolution.
Objectif : S’assurer que les formateurs...

28 يوليو 2020

Responding to the COVID-19 Crisis: Linking humanitarian Cash and Social Protection in practise


This paper seeks to demonstrate practical ways in which NGOs are linking their humanitarian work to social protection and the added importance of this in the context of COVID-19, following from the earlier work of CCD outlining the role of NGOs to
improve the access to and delivery of social protection in...

27 يوليو 2020

ربط الحماية الاجتماعية والمساعدات النقدية والقسائم الإنسانية


هناك زخم متزايد ومجموعة من العمل حول فكرة تطوير روابط أقوى بين المساعدات النقدية والقسائم الإنسانية والحماية الاجتماعية. تستند هذه الورقة الموجزة لشراكة التعلم...

27 يوليو 2020

Analysis of key value chains (wheat and wool), with a special focus on the light manufacturing sector in Mosul


DRC has commissioned this study with the end objective of providing access to market opportunities for privately-owned small and medium enterprises and job opportunities for conflict-affected men, women and youth. For that purpose, DRC has taken a marketsystem and value-chain approach to development and...

23 يوليو 2020

Presentation for the CALP Network’s webinar on remote registration and verification in the COVID-19 response


Watch the webinar recording here Speaker presentations from the CALP Network’s 14 July 2020 webinar on: Peril or pitfalls?: Emerging practices on remote registration and verification in the COVID-19 response Remote CVA programming has been highlighted as a key challenge for the community of practice in...

16 يوليو 2020

Currency in Crisis: Ways forward for GOAL Cash and Voucher Assistance in North-West Syria


Currency depreciation and price inflation are two of the main factors that influence Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) programming in North-West Syria. Between August 2019 and July 2020, the Syrian Pound (SYP) has dropped 161% against the US Dollar (USD), and the current trend of rapid depreciation in the...

12 يوليو 2020

Social Protection Responses to the COVID-19 Crisis in the MENA/ Arab States Region

Policy paper

This paper reflects on an ongoing initiative of the Regional UN Issue-Based Coalition on Social Protection (IBC-SP). The Group, co-chaired by ILO and UNICEF, was established in June 2020, bringing forward the activities started under the previous Regional UNDG group. The IBC-SP gathers regional experts...

July 2020

Currency in Crisis: Ways forward for GOAL Cash and Voucher Assistance in North-West Syria


FULL STUDY VERSION Currency depreciation and price inflation are two of the main factors that influence Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) programming in North-West Syria. Between August 2019 and July 2020, the Syrian Pound (SYP) has dropped 161% against the US Dollar (USD), and the current trend of rapid...

1 يوليو 2020

Collaborative Cash Delivery Network – Grand Bargain – Collaboration Agreement Accomplishments 2020


The Collaborative Cash Delivery (CCD) Network is pleased to present its achievements against the commitments made by our global members’ CEOs at the 2019 Grand Bargain Summit as part of our global collaboration agreement. We know we are better together, and in this time of increasing pressure on the...

24 يونيو 2020

Returns from Iran and Pakistan Funding Needs


As of 23 June 2018, 348,506 undocumented Afghan returnees have crossed back into Afghanistan from Iran. The months of April and May have witnessed an average of 20,000 returns each week. The total represents a 50% increase of returns over the same period in 2017. The larger return is associated with a...

5 يونيو 2020

The Impact of The COVID-19 Development on Beneficiaries of Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) Program


As of 19 April 2020, the Ministry of Health reported more than 86,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases with almost 2,000 deaths in Turkey. The Government of Turkey has introduced a series of containment
measures, including closing of schools, shopping malls and businesses; a curfew for individuals above 65 or...

3 يونيو 2020

World Food Programme Multipurpose Cash Assistance in Lebanon: Social cohesion and stability between Syrian refugees and host communities


Conducted by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) in partnership with the Cash Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning Organisational Network (CAMEALEON). In 2018 and 2019, CAMEALEON partnered with ODI to examine the role of World Food Programme’s multi-purpose cash programme in shaping...

1 يونيو 2020

World Food Programme Multipurpose Cash Assistance in Lebanon: Protection outcomes for Syrian refugees


Conducted by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) in partnership with the Cash Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning Organisational Network (CAMEALEON). In 2018 and 2019, CAMEALEON partnered with ODI to examine the role of the World Food Programme’s Multipurpose Cash Assistance...

1 يونيو 2020

Introduction to Market Based Programming in Emergency WASH


1 يونيو 2020 13:00-14:30 / Online / English

أهمية العمل على التزامات الصفقة الكُبرى للتركيز بطريقة ذات مغزى على النوع الاجتماعي في المساعدات النقدية والقسائم ضمن الاستجابات لجائحة فيروس كورونا المستجد (كوفيد-19)

ورقة سياسات

اجتمع القادة العالميين ووكالات الأمم المتحدة ووكالات العمل الإنساني في العام 2016 بهدف تحسين فعالية وكفاءة العمل الإنساني. وقد أفضى هذا الاجتماع إلى 51 التزامًا يُطلق...

26 مايو 2020

Cash-for-Health Standard Operating Procedures Medair Jordan

Guidelines and Tools

In November 2015, Medair initiated a cash-for-health (C4H) programme in Jordan as a way for vulnerable Syrian refugees to overcome the financial barriers to accessing healthcare in Jordan. A set of standards to deliver C4H has been developed based on past programme experience and this document...

19 مايو 2020